在韦小宝之前,是英雄时代;在韦小宝的时代,武功已经不再重要,而这恰是金庸先生的深刻之处。 生活中,没有盖世英雄,没有道德完人,只有如韦小宝一样的,物质主义至上的、被生活推着走的普通人。韦小宝第一在乎的东西,是不能出卖朋友,对朋友忠诚,这也是“义”最原初的含义。
本篇课程选自 The Straits Times
And spanning 时间跨越the novels is Cha's great theme主题, Chinese identity身份认同. Many of them take place in fractious 纷乱periods in Chinese history, when China was at risk 陷入困境from or ruled by the Mongols, the Manchus and other non-Han Chinese ethnicities汉族.
In The Deer And The Cauldron鹿鼎记, protagonist 故事主角Wei Xiaobao is a prostitute's妓女的 son of unknown paternity父亲 - he may or may not be fully Han Chinese - a rascal 流氓redeemed 救赎by his loyalty to his friends义气.
Although illiterate, he has been profoundly influenced 深入影响by the tales of Three Kingdoms-era heroism he heard from storytellers. And Cha suggests it is the stories, mere 完全sips 吸取from the fountain 喷泉of Chinese culture, that have kept Wei honest.
span /spæn/: vt. 横跨;跨越
fractious /ˈfrækʃəs/: adj. 易怒的;容易起纷争的
at risk: 面临风险
ethnicity /eθ'nɪsɪtɪ/: n. 民族;种族
· ethnical /'eθnɪkəl/: adj. 种族的;民族的
The Deer and the Cauldron: 《鹿鼎记》
protagonist /prəˈtaɡ(ə)nɪst/: n. 主角
prostitute /ˈprɒstɪtjuːt/: n. 妓女
paternity /pəˈtəːnɪti/: n. 父亲身份;血亲来源
· paternity test: 亲子鉴定
rascal /ˈrɑːsk(ə)l/: n. 无赖;流氓
redeem /rɪˈdiːm/: vt. 救赎;补偿
· redemption /rɪ'dem(p)ʃ(ə)n/: n. 赎回;救赎
loyalty /ˈlɔɪəlti/: n. 忠诚
illiterate /ɪˈlɪt(ə)rət/: adj. 不识字的;文盲的
profoundly influenced by: 深受……的影响
heroism /'herəʊɪz(ə)m/: n. 英雄主义
storyteller /ˈstɔːriˌtelə/: n. 说书人
mere /mɪə/: adj. 纯粹的;完全的
sip /sɪp/: n. 小口喝;汲取一口
fountain /ˈfaʊntɪn/: n. 喷泉;源泉;来源