Chapter 2
"T-minus two hours, twenty-three minutes and counting," Arthur said.
He and D.W. were getting ready for lunch in the kitchen. At the stove, their father was seasoning his Bubble Trouble Stew. He called it that in honor of the mess it always made on the stove.
minus,减(—)。反义词是 plus ,加(+)。
season 这个词不陌生,但当“季节”讲比较多见。
Arthur 太盼望好朋友的到来了,一直看表,还搞起了倒计时。爸爸正在灶台上忙着炖肉,看来做饭不是他的强项。
"I wasn't aware of any countdowns in progress," said Mr. Read. "What's the mission?"
"It's the Brain," said Arthur."He'll be arriving for the weekend in two hours, twenty-three, no, twenty-two minutes."
"I see. Do I still have time to change into my tuxedo? Will I be expected to make a speech?"
"No, no," said Arthur, "nothing like that."
爸爸问Arthur,到底有什么重大事件,还需要倒计时?当听说是 the Brain 来过周末,爸爸开玩笑地说,要不要我穿上晚礼服,再来个致辞啊?Arthur急忙说不用。
"Who can I have stay over for the weekend?" asked D.W.
"It's not a competition, D.W.," said her father. "Another time it will be your turn. But this weekend is Arthur's."
Arthur nodded. "And I want it to go really well. So you all have to be especially nice to the Brain. Make him feel at home."
stay over :过夜
哥哥要求大家好好表现,要让the Brain 有宾至如归的感觉。
His father frowned. "Arthur, isn't this the same Brain we've known for years? The one who's been here hundreds of times before?"
"Yes,but this is different," said Arthur. "It will be more like he's part of the family. And we'll be hanging around together the whole time."
"Oh, brother," said D.W.
In the den, Mrs. Read was lying on the floor playing with Baby Kate. D.W. stomped in and plopped down in a chair. She did not look happy.
“Is something wrong, D.W.?” her mother asked.
“I’ll say. It’s hard enough dealing with Arthur. Once the Brain is here it’ll be like having two Arthurs around.”
She shuddered at the thought.
“一个Arthur就够难对付的了,the Brain一来,相当于身边有两个Arthur!”
“I’m sure you’ll survive,” said her mother, shaking a rattle at Kate.
D.W. huffed and puffed as she ran all around the living room.
“You’ll never take me alive!” she cried.
huffed and puffed:呼哧带喘。这个词在《三只小猪》故事里反复出现,形容狼呼哧带喘地追小猪。
There were two identical Arthurs, one on each end of the room. Each was holding strips of cloth bandages.
“Don’t be silly,” said Arthur #1.“We just want to play.”
“You do like to play, don’t you?” said Arthur #2. “Don’t you want to play Egyptian princess?”
“First, you’re an Egyptian princess,” sai Arthur #1, “then you’re a mummy.”
The two Arthurs started to walk toward D.W., their arms outstretched.
“No!” cried D.W. “Go away. Mommmmm!”
D.W. stood up and rushed out of the room.
“Maybe I should spend the weekend at Grandma Thora’s,” she muttered. “I’m sure it would be much safer.”