Make Your Environment Make You S

Make Your Environment Make You S

作者: 俗人安安 | 来源:发表于2019-11-21 20:37 被阅读0次
俗人安安:English is just a tool which we use it to communicate each other and express our viewpoints.

Make Your Environment Make You Successful

  1. Be environment-conscious. Just as body diet makes the body, mind diet makes the mind.

  2. Make your environment work for you, not against you. Don’t let suppressive forces-the negative, you-can’t-do-it people-make you think defeat.

  3. Don’t let small-thinking people hold you back. Jealous people want to see you stumble. Don’t give them that satisfaction.

  4. Get your advice from successful people. Your future is important. Never risk it with freelance advisors who are living failures.

  5. Get plenty of psychological sunshine. Circulate in new guoups. Discover new and stimulating things to do.

  6. Throw thought poison out of your environment. Avoid gossip. Talk about people, but stay on the positive side.

  7. Go first class in everything you do. You can’t afford to go any other way.



      本文标题:Make Your Environment Make You S
