Android ActivityManagerService--

Android ActivityManagerService--

作者: DarcyZhou | 来源:发表于2023-11-04 09:10 被阅读0次


本文基于Android 11.0源码分析



2.4 updateLruProcessLocked()

// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ProcessList.java
final void updateLruProcessLocked(ProcessRecord app, boolean activityChange,
            ProcessRecord client) {
        final boolean hasActivity = app.activities.size() > 0 || app.hasClientActivities
                || app.treatLikeActivity;
        final boolean hasService = false; // not impl yet. app.services.size() > 0;
        if (!activityChange && hasActivity) {
            // The process has activities, so we are only allowing activity-based adjustments
            // to move it.  It should be kept in the front of the list with other
            // processes that have activities, and we don't want those to change their
            // order except due to activity operations.
        Log.i("ActivityManagerService-xiao", "updateLruProcessLocked app" +app+",,client :"+client+",activityChange:"+activityChange
        final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
        app.lastActivityTime = now;
        // First a quick reject: if the app is already at the position we will
        // put it, then there is nothing to do.
        if (hasActivity) {//进程包含ativity,并且已经在顶层就不需要调整
            final int N = mLruProcesses.size();
            if (N > 0 && mLruProcesses.get(N-1) == app) {
                if (DEBUG_LRU) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Not moving, already top activity: " + app);
        } else {//服务进程的情况
            if (mLruProcessServiceStart > 0
                    && mLruProcesses.get(mLruProcessServiceStart-1) == app) {
                if (DEBUG_LRU) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Not moving, already top other: " + app);
        int lrui = mLruProcesses.lastIndexOf(app);
        if (app.persistent && lrui >= 0) {
            // We don't care about the position of persistent processes, as long as
            // they are in the list.
            if (DEBUG_LRU) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Not moving, persistent: " + app);
        if (lrui >= 0) {
            if (lrui < mLruProcessActivityStart) {
            if (lrui < mLruProcessServiceStart) {
            if (addIndex > lrui) {
            if (nextIndex > lrui) {
        int nextIndex;
        if (hasActivity) {
            final int N = mLruProcesses.size();
            if (app.activities.size() == 0 && mLruProcessActivityStart < (N - 1)) {
                // Process doesn't have activities, but has clients with
                // activities...  move it up, but one below the top (the top
                // should always have a real activity).
                if (DEBUG_LRU) Slog.d(TAG_LRU,
                        "Adding to second-top of LRU activity list: " + app);
                mLruProcesses.add(N - 1, app);//放在第二位
                // To keep it from spamming the LRU list (by making a bunch of clients),
                // we will push down any other entries owned by the app.
                final int uid = app.info.uid;
                //如果N-2后的进程与app uid相同就向前移动一位
                for (int i = N - 2; i > mLruProcessActivityStart; i--) {
                    ProcessRecord subProc = mLruProcesses.get(i);
                    if (subProc.info.uid == uid) {
                        // We want to push this one down the list.  If the process after
                        // it is for the same uid, however, don't do so, because we don't
                        // want them internally to be re-ordered.
                        if (mLruProcesses.get(i - 1).info.uid != uid) {
                            if (DEBUG_LRU) Slog.d(TAG_LRU,
                                    "Pushing uid " + uid + " swapping at " + i + ": "
                                    + mLruProcesses.get(i) + " : " + mLruProcesses.get(i - 1));
                            ProcessRecord tmp = mLruProcesses.get(i);
                            mLruProcesses.set(i, mLruProcesses.get(i - 1));
                            mLruProcesses.set(i - 1, tmp);
                    } else {
                        // A gap, we can stop here.
            } else {
                // Process has activities, put it at the very tipsy-top.
                if (DEBUG_LRU) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Adding to top of LRU activity list: " + app);
            nextIndex = mLruProcessServiceStart;
        } else if (hasService) {
            // Process has services, put it at the top of the service list.
            if (DEBUG_LRU) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Adding to top of LRU service list: " + app);
            mLruProcesses.add(mLruProcessActivityStart, app);
            nextIndex = mLruProcessServiceStart;
        } else  {//放在服务的顶层
            // Process not otherwise of interest, it goes to the top of the non-service area.
            int index = mLruProcessServiceStart;
            if (client != null) {
                // If there is a client, don't allow the process to be moved up higher
                // in the list than that client.
                int clientIndex = mLruProcesses.lastIndexOf(client);
                if (DEBUG_LRU && clientIndex < 0) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Unknown client " + client
                        + " when updating " + app);
                if (clientIndex <= lrui) {
                    // Don't allow the client index restriction to push it down farther in the
                    // list than it already is.
                    clientIndex = lrui;
                if (clientIndex >= 0 && index > clientIndex) {
                    index = clientIndex;
            if (DEBUG_LRU) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Adding at " + index + " of LRU list: " + app);
            mLruProcesses.add(index, app);
            nextIndex = index-1;
        // If the app is currently using a content provider or service,
        // bump those processes as well.
        for (int j=app.connections.size()-1; j>=0; j--) {
            ConnectionRecord cr = app.connections.valueAt(j);
            if (cr.binding != null && !cr.serviceDead && cr.binding.service != null
                    && cr.binding.service.app != null
                    && cr.binding.service.app.lruSeq != mLruSeq
                    && !cr.binding.service.app.persistent) {
                nextIndex = updateLruProcessInternalLocked(cr.binding.service.app, now, nextIndex,
                        "service connection", cr, app);
        for (int j=app.conProviders.size()-1; j>=0; j--) {
            ContentProviderRecord cpr = app.conProviders.get(j).provider;
            if (cpr.proc != null && cpr.proc.lruSeq != mLruSeq && !cpr.proc.persistent) {
                nextIndex = updateLruProcessInternalLocked(cpr.proc, now, nextIndex,
                        "provider reference", cpr, app);


2.5 updateOomAdjLocked()

// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java
 final void updateOomAdjLocked() {
        final ActivityRecord TOP_ACT = resumedAppLocked();
        final ProcessRecord TOP_APP = TOP_ACT != null ? TOP_ACT.app : null;//前台进程
        final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
        final long nowElapsed = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        final long oldTime = now - ProcessList.MAX_EMPTY_TIME;
        final int N = mLruProcesses.size();
        Log.i("ActivityManagerService-xiao", "updateOomAdjLocked TOP_ACT:"+TOP_ACT+",TOP_APP:"+TOP_APP+",mLruProcesses.size():"+mLruProcesses.size() );
        if (false) {
            RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException();
            Slog.i(TAG, "updateOomAdj: top=" + TOP_ACT, e);
        // Reset state in all uid records.
        for (int i=mActiveUids.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
            final UidRecord uidRec = mActiveUids.valueAt(i);
            if (false && DEBUG_UID_OBSERVERS) Slog.i(TAG_UID_OBSERVERS,
                    "Starting update of " + uidRec);
        mNewNumServiceProcs = 0;
        mNewNumAServiceProcs = 0;
        final int emptyProcessLimit = mConstants.CUR_MAX_EMPTY_PROCESSES;//系统运行存在最大的空的进程数
        final int cachedProcessLimit = mConstants.CUR_MAX_CACHED_PROCESSES - emptyProcessLimit;系统运行存在最大的缓存的进程数
        // Let's determine how many processes we have running vs.
        // how many slots we have for background processes; we may want
        // to put multiple processes in a slot of there are enough of
        // them.
        1 根据hidden adj划分级别,一共有9个级别(即numSlots值)
        2 根据mLruProcesses的成员个数计算平均落在各个级别的进程数
        int numSlots = (ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MAX_ADJ
                - ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MIN_ADJ + 1) / 2;
        int numEmptyProcs = N - mNumNonCachedProcs - mNumCachedHiddenProcs;
        if (numEmptyProcs > cachedProcessLimit) {
            // If there are more empty processes than our limit on cached
            // processes, then use the cached process limit for the factor.
            // This ensures that the really old empty processes get pushed
            // down to the bottom, so if we are running low on memory we will
            // have a better chance at keeping around more cached processes
            // instead of a gazillion empty processes.
            numEmptyProcs = cachedProcessLimit;
        //emptyFactor每组数量 , cachedFactor=mNumCachedHiddenProcs隐藏的进程,近期列表
        int emptyFactor = numEmptyProcs/numSlots;//每3个分一组
        if (emptyFactor < 1) emptyFactor = 1;
        int cachedFactor = (mNumCachedHiddenProcs > 0 ? mNumCachedHiddenProcs : 1)/numSlots;
        if (cachedFactor < 1) cachedFactor = 1;
        int stepCached = 0;
        int stepEmpty = 0;
        int numCached = 0;
        int numEmpty = 0;
        int numTrimming = 0;
        mNumNonCachedProcs = 0;
        mNumCachedHiddenProcs = 0;
        // First update the OOM adjustment for each of the
        // application processes based on their current state.
        int curCachedAdj = ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MIN_ADJ;
        int nextCachedAdj = curCachedAdj+1;
        int curEmptyAdj = ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MIN_ADJ;
        int nextEmptyAdj = curEmptyAdj+2;
        for (int i=N-1; i>=0; i--) {
            ProcessRecord app = mLruProcesses.get(i);
            if (!app.killedByAm && app.thread != null) {//进程还活着,没有被杀死
                app.procStateChanged = false;
                computeOomAdjLocked(app, ProcessList.UNKNOWN_ADJ, TOP_APP, true, now);
                // If we haven't yet assigned the final cached adj
                // to the process, do that now.
                //app.curAdj >= ProcessList.UNKNOWN_ADJ的情况
                if (app.curAdj >= ProcessList.UNKNOWN_ADJ) {
                    switch (app.curProcState) {
                        case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY:
                        case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY_CLIENT:
                            // This process is a cached process holding activities...
                            // assign it the next cached value for that type, and then
                            // step that cached level.
                            app.curRawAdj = curCachedAdj;
                            app.curAdj = app.modifyRawOomAdj(curCachedAdj);
                            if (DEBUG_LRU && false) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Assigning activity LRU #" + i
                                    + " adj: " + app.curAdj + " (curCachedAdj=" + curCachedAdj
                                    + ")");
                            if (curCachedAdj != nextCachedAdj) {
                                if (stepCached >= cachedFactor) {
                                    stepCached = 0;
                                    curCachedAdj = nextCachedAdj;
                                    nextCachedAdj += 2;
                                    if (nextCachedAdj > ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MAX_ADJ) {
                                        nextCachedAdj = ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MAX_ADJ;
                            // For everything else, assign next empty cached process
                            // level and bump that up.  Note that this means that
                            // long-running services that have dropped down to the
                            // cached level will be treated as empty (since their process
                            // state is still as a service), which is what we want.
                            app.curRawAdj = curEmptyAdj;
                            app.curAdj = app.modifyRawOomAdj(curEmptyAdj);
                            if (DEBUG_LRU && false) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Assigning empty LRU #" + i
                                    + " adj: " + app.curAdj + " (curEmptyAdj=" + curEmptyAdj
                                    + ")");
                            if (curEmptyAdj != nextEmptyAdj) {
                                if (stepEmpty >= emptyFactor) {
                                    stepEmpty = 0;
                                    curEmptyAdj = nextEmptyAdj;
                                    nextEmptyAdj += 2;
                                    if (nextEmptyAdj > ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MAX_ADJ) {
                                        nextEmptyAdj = ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MAX_ADJ;
                applyOomAdjLocked(app, true, now, nowElapsed);
                // Count the number of process types.
                switch (app.curProcState) {
                    case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY:
                    case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY_CLIENT:
                        if (numCached > cachedProcessLimit) {
                            app.kill("cached #" + numCached, true);
                    case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY:
                        if (numEmpty > mConstants.CUR_TRIM_EMPTY_PROCESSES
                                && app.lastActivityTime < oldTime) {
                            app.kill("empty for "
                                    + ((oldTime + ProcessList.MAX_EMPTY_TIME - app.lastActivityTime)
                                    / 1000) + "s", true);
                        } else {
                            if (numEmpty > emptyProcessLimit) {
                                app.kill("empty #" + numEmpty, true);
                //独立的进程,并且还没有绑定service, app.isolatedEntryPoint是表示有没有相关的运行代码
                if (app.isolated && app.services.size() <= 0 && app.isolatedEntryPoint == null) {
                    // If this is an isolated process, there are no services
                    // running in it, and it's not a special process with a
                    // custom entry point, then the process is no longer
                    // needed.  We agressively kill these because we can by
                    // definition not re-use the same process again, and it is
                    // good to avoid having whatever code was running in them
                    // left sitting around after no longer needed.
                    app.kill("isolated not needed", true);
                } else {
                    // Keeping this process, update its uid.
                    final UidRecord uidRec = app.uidRecord;
                    if (uidRec != null) {
                        uidRec.ephemeral = app.info.isInstantApp();
                        if (uidRec.curProcState > app.curProcState) {
                            uidRec.curProcState = app.curProcState;
                        if (app.foregroundServices) {
                            uidRec.foregroundServices = true;
                if (app.curProcState >= ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_HOME
                        && !app.killedByAm) {
        mNumServiceProcs = mNewNumServiceProcs;
        // Now determine the memory trimming level of background processes.
        // Unfortunately we need to start at the back of the list to do this
        // properly.  We only do this if the number of background apps we
        // are managing to keep around is less than half the maximum we desire;
        // if we are keeping a good number around, we'll let them use whatever
        // memory they want.
        final int numCachedAndEmpty = numCached + numEmpty;
        int memFactor;//内存状态
        if (numCached <= mConstants.CUR_TRIM_CACHED_PROCESSES
                && numEmpty <= mConstants.CUR_TRIM_EMPTY_PROCESSES) {
            if (numCachedAndEmpty <= ProcessList.TRIM_CRITICAL_THRESHOLD) {
                memFactor = ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_CRITICAL;
            } else if (numCachedAndEmpty <= ProcessList.TRIM_LOW_THRESHOLD) {
                memFactor = ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_LOW;
            } else {
                memFactor = ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_MODERATE;
        } else {
            memFactor = ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_NORMAL;
        // We always allow the memory level to go up (better).  We only allow it to go
        // down if we are in a state where that is allowed, *and* the total number of processes
        // has gone down since last time.
        if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) Slog.d(TAG_OOM_ADJ, "updateOomAdjLocked oom: memFactor=" + memFactor
                + " last=" + mLastMemoryLevel + " allowLow=" + mAllowLowerMemLevel
                + " numProcs=" + mLruProcesses.size() + " last=" + mLastNumProcesses);
                 Log.d("ActivityManagerService-xiao", "oom: memFactor=" + memFactor
                + " last=" + mLastMemoryLevel + " allowLow=" + mAllowLowerMemLevel
                + " numProcs=" + mLruProcesses.size() + " last=" + mLastNumProcesses);
        if (memFactor > mLastMemoryLevel) {
            if (!mAllowLowerMemLevel || mLruProcesses.size() >= mLastNumProcesses) {
                memFactor = mLastMemoryLevel;
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) Slog.d(TAG_OOM_ADJ, "Keeping last mem factor!");
        if (memFactor != mLastMemoryLevel) {
            EventLogTags.writeAmMemFactor(memFactor, mLastMemoryLevel);
        mLastMemoryLevel = memFactor;
        mLastNumProcesses = mLruProcesses.size();
        boolean allChanged = mProcessStats.setMemFactorLocked(memFactor, !isSleepingLocked(), now);
        final int trackerMemFactor = mProcessStats.getMemFactorLocked();
        if (memFactor != ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_NORMAL) {
            if (mLowRamStartTime == 0) {
                mLowRamStartTime = now;
            int step = 0;
            int fgTrimLevel;
            switch (memFactor) {
                case ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_CRITICAL:
                    fgTrimLevel = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL;
                case ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_LOW:
                    fgTrimLevel = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_LOW;
                    fgTrimLevel = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_MODERATE;
            int factor = numTrimming/3;
            int minFactor = 2;
            if (mHomeProcess != null) minFactor++;
            if (mPreviousProcess != null) minFactor++;
            if (factor < minFactor) factor = minFactor;
            int curLevel = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE;
            for (int i=N-1; i>=0; i--) {
                ProcessRecord app = mLruProcesses.get(i);
                if (allChanged || app.procStateChanged) {
                    setProcessTrackerStateLocked(app, trackerMemFactor, now);
                    app.procStateChanged = false;
                if (app.curProcState >= ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_HOME
                        && !app.killedByAm) {
                    if (app.trimMemoryLevel < curLevel && app.thread != null) {
                        try {
                            if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) Slog.v(TAG_OOM_ADJ,
                                    "Trimming memory of " + app.processName + " to " + curLevel);
                        } catch (RemoteException e) {
                        if (false) {
                            // For now we won't do this; our memory trimming seems
                            // to be good enough at this point that destroying
                            // activities causes more harm than good.
                            if (curLevel >= ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE
                                    && app != mHomeProcess && app != mPreviousProcess) {
                                // Need to do this on its own message because the stack may not
                                // be in a consistent state at this point.
                                // For these apps we will also finish their activities
                                // to help them free memory.
                                mStackSupervisor.scheduleDestroyAllActivities(app, "trim");
                    app.trimMemoryLevel = curLevel;
                    if (step >= factor) {
                        step = 0;
                        switch (curLevel) {
                            case ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE:
                                curLevel = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE;
                            case ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE:
                                curLevel = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND;
                } else if (app.curProcState == ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_HEAVY_WEIGHT) {
                    if (app.trimMemoryLevel < ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND
                            && app.thread != null) {
                        try {
                            if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) Slog.v(TAG_OOM_ADJ,
                                    "Trimming memory of heavy-weight " + app.processName
                                    + " to " + ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND);
                        } catch (RemoteException e) {
                    app.trimMemoryLevel = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND;
                } else {
                    if ((app.curProcState >= ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_BACKGROUND
                            || app.systemNoUi) && app.pendingUiClean) {
                        // If this application is now in the background and it
                        // had done UI, then give it the special trim level to
                        // have it free UI resources.
                        final int level = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN;
                        if (app.trimMemoryLevel < level && app.thread != null) {
                            try {
                                if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) Slog.v(TAG_OOM_ADJ,
                                        "Trimming memory of bg-ui " + app.processName
                                        + " to " + level);
                            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                        app.pendingUiClean = false;
                    if (app.trimMemoryLevel < fgTrimLevel && app.thread != null) {
                        try {
                            if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) Slog.v(TAG_OOM_ADJ,
                                    "Trimming memory of fg " + app.processName
                                    + " to " + fgTrimLevel);
                        } catch (RemoteException e) {
                    app.trimMemoryLevel = fgTrimLevel;
        } else {
            if (mLowRamStartTime != 0) {
                mLowRamTimeSinceLastIdle += now - mLowRamStartTime;
                mLowRamStartTime = 0;
            for (int i=N-1; i>=0; i--) {
                ProcessRecord app = mLruProcesses.get(i);
                if (allChanged || app.procStateChanged) {
                    setProcessTrackerStateLocked(app, trackerMemFactor, now);
                    app.procStateChanged = false;
                if ((app.curProcState >= ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_BACKGROUND
                        || app.systemNoUi) && app.pendingUiClean) {
                    if (app.trimMemoryLevel < ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN
                            && app.thread != null) {
                        try {
                            if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) Slog.v(TAG_OOM_ADJ,
                                    "Trimming memory of ui hidden " + app.processName
                                    + " to " + ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN);
                        } catch (RemoteException e) {
                    app.pendingUiClean = false;
                app.trimMemoryLevel = 0;
        if (mAlwaysFinishActivities) {
            // Need to do this on its own message because the stack may not
            // be in a consistent state at this point.
            mStackSupervisor.scheduleDestroyAllActivities(null, "always-finish");
        if (allChanged) {
            requestPssAllProcsLocked(now, false, mProcessStats.isMemFactorLowered());
        ArrayList<UidRecord> becameIdle = null;
        // Update from any uid changes.
        if (mLocalPowerManager != null) {
        for (int i=mActiveUids.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
            final UidRecord uidRec = mActiveUids.valueAt(i);
            int uidChange = UidRecord.CHANGE_PROCSTATE;
            if (uidRec.curProcState != ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_NONEXISTENT
                    && (uidRec.setProcState != uidRec.curProcState
                           || uidRec.setWhitelist != uidRec.curWhitelist)) {
                if (DEBUG_UID_OBSERVERS) Slog.i(TAG_UID_OBSERVERS,
                        "Changes in " + uidRec + ": proc state from " + uidRec.setProcState
                        + " to " + uidRec.curProcState + ", whitelist from " + uidRec.setWhitelist
                        + " to " + uidRec.curWhitelist);
                if (ActivityManager.isProcStateBackground(uidRec.curProcState)
                        && !uidRec.curWhitelist) {
                    // UID is now in the background (and not on the temp whitelist).  Was it
                    // previously in the foreground (or on the temp whitelist)?
                    if (!ActivityManager.isProcStateBackground(uidRec.setProcState)
                            || uidRec.setWhitelist) {
                        uidRec.lastBackgroundTime = nowElapsed;
                        if (!mHandler.hasMessages(IDLE_UIDS_MSG)) {
                            // Note: the background settle time is in elapsed realtime, while
                            // the handler time base is uptime.  All this means is that we may
                            // stop background uids later than we had intended, but that only
                            // happens because the device was sleeping so we are okay anyway.
                    if (uidRec.idle && !uidRec.setIdle) {
                        uidChange = UidRecord.CHANGE_IDLE;
                        if (becameIdle == null) {
                            becameIdle = new ArrayList<>();
                } else {
                    if (uidRec.idle) {
                        uidChange = UidRecord.CHANGE_ACTIVE;
                        uidRec.idle = false;
                    uidRec.lastBackgroundTime = 0;
                final boolean wasCached = uidRec.setProcState
                        > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_RECEIVER;
                final boolean isCached = uidRec.curProcState
                        > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_RECEIVER;
                if (wasCached != isCached ||
                        uidRec.setProcState == ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_NONEXISTENT) {
                    uidChange |= isCached ? UidRecord.CHANGE_CACHED : UidRecord.CHANGE_UNCACHED;
                uidRec.setProcState = uidRec.curProcState;
                uidRec.setWhitelist = uidRec.curWhitelist;
                uidRec.setIdle = uidRec.idle;
                enqueueUidChangeLocked(uidRec, -1, uidChange);
                noteUidProcessState(uidRec.uid, uidRec.curProcState);
                if (uidRec.foregroundServices) {
        if (mLocalPowerManager != null) {
        if (becameIdle != null) {
            // If we have any new uids that became idle this time, we need to make sure
            // they aren't left with running services.
            for (int i = becameIdle.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (mProcessStats.shouldWriteNowLocked(now)) {
            mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
                @Override public void run() {
                    synchronized (ActivityManagerService.this) {
        if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) {
            final long duration = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - now;
            if (false) {
                Slog.d(TAG_OOM_ADJ, "Did OOM ADJ in " + duration + "ms",
                        new RuntimeException("here").fillInStackTrace());
            } else {
                Slog.d(TAG_OOM_ADJ, "Did OOM ADJ in " + duration + "ms");



2.6 computeOomAdjLocked()

// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/OomAdjuster.java
private final int computeOomAdjLocked(ProcessRecord app, int cachedAdj, ProcessRecord TOP_APP,
            boolean doingAll, long now) {
        if (mAdjSeq == app.adjSeq) {
            // This adjustment has already been computed.
            return app.curRawAdj;
        if (app.thread == null) {
            app.adjSeq = mAdjSeq;
            app.curSchedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_BACKGROUND;
            app.curProcState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY;
            return (app.curAdj=app.curRawAdj=ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MAX_ADJ);
        app.adjTypeCode = ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo.REASON_UNKNOWN;
        app.adjSource = null;
        app.adjTarget = null;
        app.empty = false;
        app.cached = false;
        final int activitiesSize = app.activities.size();//该应用进程包含Activity的个数
        if (app.maxAdj <= ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ) {
            // The max adjustment doesn't allow this app to be anything
            // below foreground, so it is not worth doing work for it.
            if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Making fixed: " + app);
            app.adjType = "fixed";
            app.adjSeq = mAdjSeq;
            app.curRawAdj = app.maxAdj;
            app.foregroundActivities = false;
            app.curSchedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT;
            app.curProcState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_PERSISTENT;//persistent进程
            // System processes can do UI, and when they do we want to have
            // them trim their memory after the user leaves the UI.  To
            // facilitate this, here we need to determine whether or not it
            // is currently showing UI.
            app.systemNoUi = true;
            if (app == TOP_APP) {//如果app在顶层,那就说明此进程具有UI,systemNoUi=false并且重新设置进程组
                app.systemNoUi = false;
                app.curSchedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_TOP_APP;
                app.adjType = "pers-top-activity";
            } else if (app.hasTopUi) {
                app.systemNoUi = false;
                app.curSchedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_TOP_APP;
                app.adjType = "pers-top-ui";
            } else if (activitiesSize > 0) {
                for (int j = 0; j < activitiesSize; j++) {
                    final ActivityRecord r = app.activities.get(j);
                    if (r.visible) {
                        app.systemNoUi = false;
            if (!app.systemNoUi) {
                app.curProcState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_PERSISTENT_UI;
            return (app.curAdj=app.maxAdj);
        app.systemNoUi = false;
        final int PROCESS_STATE_CUR_TOP = mTopProcessState;
        // Determine the importance of the process, starting with most
        // important to least, and assign an appropriate OOM adjustment.
        int adj;
        int schedGroup;
        int procState;
        boolean foregroundActivities = false;
        if (app == TOP_APP) {
            // The last app on the list is the foreground app.
            adj = ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ;
            schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_TOP_APP;
            app.adjType = "top-activity";
            foregroundActivities = true;
            procState = PROCESS_STATE_CUR_TOP;
            if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Making top: " + app);
        } else if (app.instr != null) {//activity正在启动,但是没有在最前台
            // Don't want to kill running instrumentation.
            adj = ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ;
            schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT;
            app.adjType = "instrumentation";
            procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_FOREGROUND_SERVICE;
            if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Making instrumentation: " + app);
        } else if (isReceivingBroadcastLocked(app, mTmpBroadcastQueue)) {
            // An app that is currently receiving a broadcast also
            // counts as being in the foreground for OOM killer purposes.
            // It's placed in a sched group based on the nature of the
            // broadcast as reflected by which queue it's active in.
            adj = ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ;
            schedGroup = (mTmpBroadcastQueue.contains(mFgBroadcastQueue))
                    ? ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT : ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_BACKGROUND;
            app.adjType = "broadcast";
            procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_RECEIVER;
            if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Making broadcast: " + app);
        } else if (app.executingServices.size() > 0) {
            // An app that is currently executing a service callback also
            // counts as being in the foreground.
            adj = ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ;
            schedGroup = app.execServicesFg ?
                    ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT : ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_BACKGROUND;
            app.adjType = "exec-service";
            procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_SERVICE;
            if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Making exec-service: " + app);
            //Slog.i(TAG, "EXEC " + (app.execServicesFg ? "FG" : "BG") + ": " + app);
        } else {
            // As far as we know the process is empty.  We may change our mind later.
            schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_BACKGROUND;
            // At this point we don't actually know the adjustment.  Use the cached adj
            // value that the caller wants us to.
            adj = cachedAdj;
            procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY;
            app.cached = true;
            app.empty = true;
            app.adjType = "cch-empty";
            if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Making empty: " + app);
        // Examine all activities if not already foreground.
        if (!foregroundActivities && activitiesSize > 0) {
            int minLayer = ProcessList.VISIBLE_APP_LAYER_MAX;
            for (int j = 0; j < activitiesSize; j++) {
                final ActivityRecord r = app.activities.get(j);
                if (r.app != app) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Found activity " + r + " in proc activity list using " + r.app
                            + " instead of expected " + app);
                    if (r.app == null || (r.app.uid == app.uid)) {
                        // Only fix things up when they look sane
                        r.app = app;
                    } else {
                if (r.visible) {
                    // App has a visible activity; only upgrade adjustment.
                    //纠正一个可见的app 进程adj的值以及procState的值
                    if (adj > ProcessList.VISIBLE_APP_ADJ) {
                        adj = ProcessList.VISIBLE_APP_ADJ;
                        app.adjType = "vis-activity";
                        if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to vis-activity: " + app);
                    if (procState > PROCESS_STATE_CUR_TOP) {
                        procState = PROCESS_STATE_CUR_TOP;
                        app.adjType = "vis-activity";
                        if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to vis-activity: " + app);
                    schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT;
                    app.cached = false;
                    app.empty = false;
                    foregroundActivities = true;
                    final TaskRecord task = r.getTask();
                    if (task != null && minLayer > 0) {
                        final int layer = task.mLayerRank;
                        if (layer >= 0 && minLayer > layer) {
                            minLayer = layer;
                } else if (r.state == ActivityState.PAUSING || r.state == ActivityState.PAUSED) {
                    if (adj > ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ) {//暂停状态
                        adj = ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ;
                        app.adjType = "pause-activity";
                        if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to pause-activity: " + app);
                    if (procState > PROCESS_STATE_CUR_TOP) {
                        procState = PROCESS_STATE_CUR_TOP;
                        app.adjType = "pause-activity";
                        if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to pause-activity: " + app);
                    schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT;
                    app.cached = false;
                    app.empty = false;
                    foregroundActivities = true;
                } else if (r.state == ActivityState.STOPPING) {//停止状态
                    if (adj > ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ) {
                        adj = ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ;
                        app.adjType = "stop-activity";
                        if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to stop-activity: " + app);
                    // For the process state, we will at this point consider the
                    // process to be cached.  It will be cached either as an activity
                    // or empty depending on whether the activity is finishing.  We do
                    // this so that we can treat the process as cached for purposes of
                    // memory trimming (determing current memory level, trim command to
                    // send to process) since there can be an arbitrary number of stopping
                    // processes and they should soon all go into the cached state.
                    if (!r.finishing) {//停止但是还没有finish
                        if (procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_LAST_ACTIVITY) {
                            procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_LAST_ACTIVITY;
                            app.adjType = "stop-activity";
                            if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to stop-activity: " + app);
                    app.cached = false;
                    app.empty = false;
                    foregroundActivities = true;
                } else {
                    if (procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY) {
                        procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY;
                        app.adjType = "cch-act";
                        if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to cached activity: " + app);
            if (adj == ProcessList.VISIBLE_APP_ADJ) {
                adj += minLayer;
        if (adj > ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ
                || procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_FOREGROUND_SERVICE) {
            if (app.foregroundServices) {//前台服务
                // The user is aware of this app, so make it visible.
                adj = ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ;
                procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_FOREGROUND_SERVICE;
                app.cached = false;
                app.adjType = "fg-service";
                schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT;
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to fg service: " + app);
            } else if (app.hasOverlayUi) {//有UI的但是目前又不可见
                // The process is display an overlay UI.
                adj = ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ;
                procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_FOREGROUND;
                app.cached = false;
                app.adjType = "has-overlay-ui";
                schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT;
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to overlay ui: " + app);
        if (adj > ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ
                || procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TRANSIENT_BACKGROUND) {
            if (app.forcingToImportant != null) {
                // This is currently used for toasts...  they are not interactive, and
                // we don't want them to cause the app to become fully foreground (and
                // thus out of background check), so we yes the best background level we can.
                adj = ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ;
                procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TRANSIENT_BACKGROUND;
                app.cached = false;
                app.adjType = "force-imp";
                app.adjSource = app.forcingToImportant;
                schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT;
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to force imp: " + app);
      //如果进程是heavy-weight 进程
        if (app == mHeavyWeightProcess) {
            if (adj > ProcessList.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_ADJ) {
                // We don't want to kill the current heavy-weight process.
                adj = ProcessList.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_ADJ;
                schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_BACKGROUND;
                app.cached = false;
                app.adjType = "heavy";
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to heavy: " + app);
            if (procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_HEAVY_WEIGHT) {
                procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_HEAVY_WEIGHT;
                app.adjType = "heavy";
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to heavy: " + app);
        if (app == mHomeProcess) {
            if (adj > ProcessList.HOME_APP_ADJ) {
                // This process is hosting what we currently consider to be the
                // home app, so we don't want to let it go into the background.
                adj = ProcessList.HOME_APP_ADJ;
                schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_BACKGROUND;
                app.cached = false;
                app.adjType = "home";
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to home: " + app);
            if (procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_HOME) {
                procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_HOME;
                app.adjType = "home";
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to home: " + app);
        if (app == mPreviousProcess && app.activities.size() > 0) {
            if (adj > ProcessList.PREVIOUS_APP_ADJ) {
                // This was the previous process that showed UI to the user.
                // We want to try to keep it around more aggressively, to give
                // a good experience around switching between two apps.
                adj = ProcessList.PREVIOUS_APP_ADJ;
                schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_BACKGROUND;
                app.cached = false;
                app.adjType = "previous";
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to prev: " + app);
            if (procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_LAST_ACTIVITY) {
                procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_LAST_ACTIVITY;
                app.adjType = "previous";
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to prev: " + app);
        if (false) Slog.i(TAG, "OOM " + app + ": initial adj=" + adj
                + " reason=" + app.adjType);
        // By default, we use the computed adjustment.  It may be changed if
        // there are applications dependent on our services or providers, but
        // this gives us a baseline and makes sure we don't get into an
        // infinite recursion.
        app.adjSeq = mAdjSeq;
        app.curRawAdj = adj;
        app.hasStartedServices = false;
        if (mBackupTarget != null && app == mBackupTarget.app) {
            // If possible we want to avoid killing apps while they're being backed up
            if (adj > ProcessList.BACKUP_APP_ADJ) {
                if (DEBUG_BACKUP) Slog.v(TAG_BACKUP, "oom BACKUP_APP_ADJ for " + app);
                adj = ProcessList.BACKUP_APP_ADJ;
                if (procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TRANSIENT_BACKGROUND) {
                    procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TRANSIENT_BACKGROUND;
                app.adjType = "backup";
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to backup: " + app);
                app.cached = false;
            if (procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_BACKUP) {
                procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_BACKUP;
                app.adjType = "backup";
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to backup: " + app);
        boolean mayBeTop = false;
        String mayBeTopType = null;
        Object mayBeTopSource = null;
        Object mayBeTopTarget = null;
        for (int is = app.services.size()-1;
                is >= 0 && (adj > ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ
                        || schedGroup == ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_BACKGROUND
                        || procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TOP);
                is--) {
            ServiceRecord s = app.services.valueAt(is);
            if (s.startRequested) {
                app.hasStartedServices = true;
                if (procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_SERVICE) {
                    procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_SERVICE;
                    app.adjType = "started-services";
                    if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to started service: " + app);
                if (app.hasShownUi && app != mHomeProcess) {
                    // If this process has shown some UI, let it immediately
                    // go to the LRU list because it may be pretty heavy with
                    // UI stuff.  We'll tag it with a label just to help
                    // debug and understand what is going on.
                    if (adj > ProcessList.SERVICE_ADJ) {
                        app.adjType = "cch-started-ui-services";
                } else {
                    if (now < (s.lastActivity + mConstants.MAX_SERVICE_INACTIVITY)) {
                        // This service has seen some activity within
                        // recent memory, so we will keep its process ahead
                        // of the background processes.
                        if (adj > ProcessList.SERVICE_ADJ) {
                            adj = ProcessList.SERVICE_ADJ;
                            app.adjType = "started-services";
                            if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to started service: " + app);
                            app.cached = false;
                    // If we have let the service slide into the background
                    // state, still have some text describing what it is doing
                    // even though the service no longer has an impact.
                    if (adj > ProcessList.SERVICE_ADJ) {
                        app.adjType = "cch-started-services";
            for (int conni = s.connections.size()-1;
                    conni >= 0 && (adj > ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ
                            || schedGroup == ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_BACKGROUND
                            || procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TOP);
                    conni--) {
                ArrayList<ConnectionRecord> clist = s.connections.valueAt(conni);
                for (int i = 0;
                        i < clist.size() && (adj > ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ
                                || schedGroup == ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_BACKGROUND
                                || procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TOP);
                        i++) {
                    // XXX should compute this based on the max of
                    // all connected clients.
                    ConnectionRecord cr = clist.get(i);
                    if (cr.binding.client == app) {
                        // Binding to ourself is not interesting.
                    if ((cr.flags&Context.BIND_WAIVE_PRIORITY) == 0) {
                        ProcessRecord client = cr.binding.client;
                        int clientAdj = computeOomAdjLocked(client, cachedAdj,
                                TOP_APP, doingAll, now);
                        int clientProcState = client.curProcState;
                        if (clientProcState >= ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY) {
                            // If the other app is cached for any reason, for purposes here
                            // we are going to consider it empty.  The specific cached state
                            // doesn't propagate except under certain conditions.
                            clientProcState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY;
                        String adjType = null;
                        if ((cr.flags&Context.BIND_ALLOW_OOM_MANAGEMENT) != 0) {
                            // Not doing bind OOM management, so treat
                            // this guy more like a started service.
                            if (app.hasShownUi && app != mHomeProcess) {
                                // If this process has shown some UI, let it immediately
                                // go to the LRU list because it may be pretty heavy with
                                // UI stuff.  We'll tag it with a label just to help
                                // debug and understand what is going on.
                                if (adj > clientAdj) {
                                    adjType = "cch-bound-ui-services";
                                app.cached = false;
                                clientAdj = adj;
                                clientProcState = procState;
                            } else {
                                if (now >= (s.lastActivity + mConstants.MAX_SERVICE_INACTIVITY)) {
                                    // This service has not seen activity within
                                    // recent memory, so allow it to drop to the
                                    // LRU list if there is no other reason to keep
                                    // it around.  We'll also tag it with a label just
                                    // to help debug and undertand what is going on.
                                    if (adj > clientAdj) {
                                        adjType = "cch-bound-services";
                                    clientAdj = adj;
                        if (adj > clientAdj) {
                            // If this process has recently shown UI, and
                            // the process that is binding to it is less
                            // important than being visible, then we don't
                            // care about the binding as much as we care
                            // about letting this process get into the LRU
                            // list to be killed and restarted if needed for
                            // memory.
                            if (app.hasShownUi && app != mHomeProcess
                                    && clientAdj > ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ) {
                                if (adj >= ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MIN_ADJ) {
                                    adjType = "cch-bound-ui-services";
                            } else {
                                int newAdj;
                                if ((cr.flags&(Context.BIND_ABOVE_CLIENT
                                        |Context.BIND_IMPORTANT)) != 0) {
                                    newAdj = clientAdj >= ProcessList.PERSISTENT_SERVICE_ADJ
                                            ? clientAdj : ProcessList.PERSISTENT_SERVICE_ADJ;
                                } else if ((cr.flags&Context.BIND_NOT_VISIBLE) != 0
                                        && clientAdj < ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ
                                        && adj > ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ) {
                                    newAdj = ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ;
                                } else if (clientAdj >= ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ) {
                                    newAdj = clientAdj;
                                } else {
                                    if (adj > ProcessList.VISIBLE_APP_ADJ) {
                                        newAdj = Math.max(clientAdj, ProcessList.VISIBLE_APP_ADJ);
                                    } else {
                                        newAdj = adj;
                                if (!client.cached) {
                                    app.cached = false;
                                if (adj >  newAdj) {
                                    adj = newAdj;
                                    adjType = "service";
                        if ((cr.flags & (Context.BIND_NOT_FOREGROUND
                                | Context.BIND_IMPORTANT_BACKGROUND)) == 0) {
                            // This will treat important bound services identically to
                            // the top app, which may behave differently than generic
                            // foreground work.
                            if (client.curSchedGroup > schedGroup) {
                                if ((cr.flags&Context.BIND_IMPORTANT) != 0) {
                                    schedGroup = client.curSchedGroup;
                                } else {
                                    schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT;
                            if (clientProcState <= ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TOP) {
                                if (clientProcState == ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TOP) {
                                    // Special handling of clients who are in the top state.
                                    // We *may* want to consider this process to be in the
                                    // top state as well, but only if there is not another
                                    // reason for it to be running.  Being on the top is a
                                    // special state, meaning you are specifically running
                                    // for the current top app.  If the process is already
                                    // running in the background for some other reason, it
                                    // is more important to continue considering it to be
                                    // in the background state.
                                    mayBeTop = true;
                                    mayBeTopType = "service";
                                    mayBeTopSource = cr.binding.client;
                                    mayBeTopTarget = s.name;
                                    clientProcState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY;
                                } else {
                                    // Special handling for above-top states (persistent
                                    // processes).  These should not bring the current process
                                    // into the top state, since they are not on top.  Instead
                                    // give them the best state after that.
                                    if ((cr.flags&Context.BIND_FOREGROUND_SERVICE) != 0) {
                                        clientProcState =
                                    } else if (mWakefulness
                                                    == PowerManagerInternal.WAKEFULNESS_AWAKE &&
                                                    != 0) {
                                        clientProcState =
                                    } else {
                                        clientProcState =
                        } else if ((cr.flags & Context.BIND_IMPORTANT_BACKGROUND) == 0) {
                            if (clientProcState <
                                    ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TRANSIENT_BACKGROUND) {
                                clientProcState =
                        } else {
                            if (clientProcState <
                                    ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_BACKGROUND) {
                                clientProcState =
                        if (procState > clientProcState) {
                            procState = clientProcState;
                            if (adjType == null) {
                                adjType = "service";
                        if (procState < ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_BACKGROUND
                                && (cr.flags&Context.BIND_SHOWING_UI) != 0) {
                            app.pendingUiClean = true;
                        if (adjType != null) {
                            app.adjType = adjType;
                            app.adjTypeCode = ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo
                            app.adjSource = cr.binding.client;
                            app.adjSourceProcState = clientProcState;
                            app.adjTarget = s.name;
                            if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to " + adjType
                                    + ": " + app + ", due to " + cr.binding.client
                                    + " adj=" + adj + " procState=" + procState);
                    if ((cr.flags&Context.BIND_TREAT_LIKE_ACTIVITY) != 0) {
                        app.treatLikeActivity = true;
                    final ActivityRecord a = cr.activity;
                    if ((cr.flags&Context.BIND_ADJUST_WITH_ACTIVITY) != 0) {
                        if (a != null && adj > ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ &&
                            (a.visible || a.state == ActivityState.RESUMED ||
                             a.state == ActivityState.PAUSING)) {
                            adj = ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ;
                            if ((cr.flags&Context.BIND_NOT_FOREGROUND) == 0) {
                                if ((cr.flags&Context.BIND_IMPORTANT) != 0) {
                                    schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_TOP_APP_BOUND;
                                } else {
                                    schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT;
                            app.cached = false;
                            app.adjType = "service";
                            app.adjTypeCode = ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo
                            app.adjSource = a;
                            app.adjSourceProcState = procState;
                            app.adjTarget = s.name;
                            if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to service w/activity: "
                                    + app);
        for (int provi = app.pubProviders.size()-1;
                provi >= 0 && (adj > ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ
                        || schedGroup == ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_BACKGROUND
                        || procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TOP);
                provi--) {
            ContentProviderRecord cpr = app.pubProviders.valueAt(provi);
            for (int i = cpr.connections.size()-1;
                    i >= 0 && (adj > ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ
                            || schedGroup == ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_BACKGROUND
                            || procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TOP);
                    i--) {
                ContentProviderConnection conn = cpr.connections.get(i);
                ProcessRecord client = conn.client;
                if (client == app) {
                    // Being our own client is not interesting.
                int clientAdj = computeOomAdjLocked(client, cachedAdj, TOP_APP, doingAll, now);
                int clientProcState = client.curProcState;
                if (clientProcState >= ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY) {
                    // If the other app is cached for any reason, for purposes here
                    // we are going to consider it empty.
                    clientProcState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY;
                String adjType = null;
                if (adj > clientAdj) {
                    if (app.hasShownUi && app != mHomeProcess
                            && clientAdj > ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ) {
                        adjType = "cch-ui-provider";
                    } else {
                        adj = clientAdj > ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ
                                ? clientAdj : ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ;
                        adjType = "provider";
                    app.cached &= client.cached;
                if (clientProcState <= ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TOP) {
                    if (clientProcState == ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TOP) {
                        // Special handling of clients who are in the top state.
                        // We *may* want to consider this process to be in the
                        // top state as well, but only if there is not another
                        // reason for it to be running.  Being on the top is a
                        // special state, meaning you are specifically running
                        // for the current top app.  If the process is already
                        // running in the background for some other reason, it
                        // is more important to continue considering it to be
                        // in the background state.
                        mayBeTop = true;
                        clientProcState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY;
                        mayBeTopType = adjType = "provider-top";
                        mayBeTopSource = client;
                        mayBeTopTarget = cpr.name;
                    } else {
                        // Special handling for above-top states (persistent
                        // processes).  These should not bring the current process
                        // into the top state, since they are not on top.  Instead
                        // give them the best state after that.
                        clientProcState =
                        if (adjType == null) {
                            adjType = "provider";
                if (procState > clientProcState) {
                    procState = clientProcState;
                if (client.curSchedGroup > schedGroup) {
                    schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT;
                if (adjType != null) {
                    app.adjType = adjType;
                    app.adjTypeCode = ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo
                    app.adjSource = client;
                    app.adjSourceProcState = clientProcState;
                    app.adjTarget = cpr.name;
                    if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to " + adjType
                            + ": " + app + ", due to " + client
                            + " adj=" + adj + " procState=" + procState);
            // If the provider has external (non-framework) process
            // dependencies, ensure that its adjustment is at least
            // FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ.
            if (cpr.hasExternalProcessHandles()) {
                if (adj > ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ) {
                    adj = ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ;
                    schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT;
                    app.cached = false;
                    app.adjType = "ext-provider";
                    app.adjTarget = cpr.name;
                    if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to external provider: " + app);
                if (procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_FOREGROUND) {
                    procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_FOREGROUND;
        if (app.lastProviderTime > 0 &&
                (app.lastProviderTime+mConstants.CONTENT_PROVIDER_RETAIN_TIME) > now) {
            if (adj > ProcessList.PREVIOUS_APP_ADJ) {
                adj = ProcessList.PREVIOUS_APP_ADJ;
                schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_BACKGROUND;
                app.cached = false;
                app.adjType = "recent-provider";
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to recent provider: " + app);
            if (procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_LAST_ACTIVITY) {
                procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_LAST_ACTIVITY;
                app.adjType = "recent-provider";
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "Raise to recent provider: " + app);
        if (mayBeTop && procState > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TOP) {
            // A client of one of our services or providers is in the top state.  We
            // *may* want to be in the top state, but not if we are already running in
            // the background for some other reason.  For the decision here, we are going
            // to pick out a few specific states that we want to remain in when a client
            // is top (states that tend to be longer-term) and otherwise allow it to go
            // to the top state.
            switch (procState) {
                case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_BOUND_FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
                    // Something else is keeping it at this level, just leave it.
                case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_FOREGROUND:
                case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_BACKGROUND:
                case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TRANSIENT_BACKGROUND:
                case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_SERVICE:
                    // These all are longer-term states, so pull them up to the top
                    // of the background states, but not all the way to the top state.
                    procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_BOUND_FOREGROUND_SERVICE;
                    app.adjType = mayBeTopType;
                    app.adjSource = mayBeTopSource;
                    app.adjTarget = mayBeTopTarget;
                    if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "May be top raise to " + mayBeTopType
                            + ": " + app + ", due to " + mayBeTopSource
                            + " adj=" + adj + " procState=" + procState);
                    // Otherwise, top is a better choice, so take it.
                    procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TOP;
                    app.adjType = mayBeTopType;
                    app.adjSource = mayBeTopSource;
                    app.adjTarget = mayBeTopTarget;
                    if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ_REASON) Slog.d(TAG, "May be top raise to " + mayBeTopType
                            + ": " + app + ", due to " + mayBeTopSource
                            + " adj=" + adj + " procState=" + procState);
        if (procState >= ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY) {
            if (app.hasClientActivities) {
                // This is a cached process, but with client activities.  Mark it so.
                procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY_CLIENT;
                app.adjType = "cch-client-act";
            } else if (app.treatLikeActivity) {
                // This is a cached process, but somebody wants us to treat it like it has
                // an activity, okay!
                procState = ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY;
                app.adjType = "cch-as-act";
        if (adj == ProcessList.SERVICE_ADJ) {
            if (doingAll) {
                app.serviceb = mNewNumAServiceProcs > (mNumServiceProcs/3);
                //Slog.i(TAG, "ADJ " + app + " serviceb=" + app.serviceb);
                if (!app.serviceb) {
                    // This service isn't far enough down on the LRU list to
                    // normally be a B service, but if we are low on RAM and it
                    // is large we want to force it down since we would prefer to
                    // keep launcher over it.
                    if (mLastMemoryLevel > ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_NORMAL
                            && app.lastPss >= mProcessList.getCachedRestoreThresholdKb()) {
                        app.serviceHighRam = true;
                        app.serviceb = true;
                        //Slog.i(TAG, "ADJ " + app + " high ram!");
                    } else {
                        //Slog.i(TAG, "ADJ " + app + " not high ram!");
                } else {
                    app.serviceHighRam = false;
            if (app.serviceb) {
                adj = ProcessList.SERVICE_B_ADJ;
        app.curRawAdj = adj;
        //Slog.i(TAG, "OOM ADJ " + app + ": pid=" + app.pid +
        //      " adj=" + adj + " curAdj=" + app.curAdj + " maxAdj=" + app.maxAdj);
                if (adj > app.maxAdj) {
            adj = app.maxAdj;
            if (app.maxAdj <= ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ) {
                schedGroup = ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT;
        // Do final modification to adj.  Everything we do between here and applying
        // the final setAdj must be done in this function, because we will also use
        // it when computing the final cached adj later.  Note that we don't need to
        // worry about this for max adj above, since max adj will always be used to
        // keep it out of the cached vaues.
        app.curAdj = app.modifyRawOomAdj(adj);
        app.curSchedGroup = schedGroup;
        app.curProcState = procState;
        app.foregroundActivities = foregroundActivities;
        return app.curRawAdj;

  主要计算进程的 adjSeq,curRawAdj,foregroundActivities,curSchedGroup,curProcState,systemNoUi,curRawAdj。



      本文标题:Android ActivityManagerService--
