iconic: adj. very famous and well known, and believed to represent a particular idea
在阿汤哥近 40 年的职业生涯中,他扮演过许多经典角色。
Tom Cruise has played many iconic parts in his 40 years of acting career.
句子: Amazon has become an iconic company in the field of electronic commerce and cloud service.
翻译: 亚马逊已经成为了电子商务与云服务领域里的代表公司。
场景: 亚马逊。
句子: Along the River During the Qingming Festival, an iconic painting by Zhang Zeduan, reflects Bianjing’s economic prosperity and its residents’ everyday life during the Northern Song.
翻译: 《清明上河图》是张择端的代表画作,反映了北宋时期汴京的经济繁荣及其居民的日常生活。
场景: 文化艺术史。