Day -1 花

Day -1 花

作者: 啊咪宝宝 | 来源:发表于2017-01-14 15:49 被阅读0次

It’s purple, eye-catching purple. It’s the first thought jumping into my mind when I saw it. However, with its white edge and yellow stamens, even dark purple could make me feel jovial rather heavy. The way petals gather contributes as well. Some of them grow layer on layer so that one flower has more than 20 petals, and others are just circled with five petals, each of them curling up around the stamens. Petals are all long and thing, but stretched on the top. Most flowers hang down like girls’ dresses, but no designer can make such a exquisite dress with both fine color and shape.


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      本文标题:Day -1 花
