

作者: 气泡_2e06 | 来源:发表于2018-09-20 11:27 被阅读0次



      A、Theyare caused by great temperature differences between adjacent air

    masses. There are four major jet streams.

      B、Sincethe progress of an airplane is aided or impeded depending on whether

    tail windsorhead winds are encountered.

      C、Insteadof moving along a straight line. the jet stream flows in a

    wavelike fashion;the wavespropagate eastward (in the Northern Hemisphere) at

    speeds considerably slower than the wind speed itself.

      D、Jetstream. narrow. swift currents or tubes of air found at heights

    ranging from 7to 8 mi(11.3–12.9 km) above the surface of the earth.

      E、In the Northern Hemisphere the jet stream issought by eastbound aircraft.

    in order to gain speed and savefuel. and avoided by westbound aircraft.


      Theco-evolutionary relationship between cows and grass is one of

    nature'sunderappreciated wonders; it also happens to be the key to understanding

    justabout everything about modern meat.

      For the grasses.which have evolved to withstand the grazing of ruminants.

    the cow maintains andexpands their habitat by preventing trees and shrubs from

    gaining a foothold andhogging the sunlight; the animal also spreads grass seed.

    plants it with hishooves. and then fertilizes it with his manure.

      In exchange for these services the grasses offerruminants a plentiful and

    exclusive supply of lunch. For cows (like sheep. bison.and other ruminants) have

    evolved the special ability to convert grass— whichsingle-stomached creatures

    like us can't digest—into high-quality protein. Theycan do this because they

    possess what is surely the most highly evolveddigestive organ in nature: the

    rumen. About the size of a medicine ball. theorgan is essentially a

    forty-five-gallon fermentation tank in which a residentpopulation of bacteria

    dines on grass.




