

作者: Tyger老师 | 来源:发表于2018-11-05 10:54 被阅读56次


高频介词:to   into   away   back   out of

Geppetto is lonely, so he makes a puppet. (so为连词)

Go to school, study hard, and don’t tell lies, then you can be a real boy! (be为动词,傀儡动词)

Geppetto has no money. 

Look! There is a fox and a cat.

Pinocchio goes to the puppet show.

Pinocchio’s nose is growing bigger and bigger.

The Blue Fairy calls some woodpeckers.

We are going to Playland, for there are no schools and no books! (for为连词)

Oh, no! My ears changed into donkey ears.

The Blue Fairy takes away his donkey ears.

Pinocchio is back home.

Pinocchio goes to the sea.

Pinocchio goes close to the fish.

Pinocchio goes close to the light.

This fish must have a cold.

Geppetto and Pinocchio get out of the fish!

Geppetto and Pinocchio are back home.


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