
作者: 孤逐王 | 来源:发表于2015-12-18 16:30 被阅读1900次





    min_peers = 3
    max_peers = 500
    max_uploads = 10
    #最大下载950k/s  光纤用户使用,adsl请酌情修改
    download_rate = 950
    #最大上传200k/s  光纤用户使用,adsl请酌情修改
    upload_rate = 200
    directory = ~/Downloads
    session = ~/Downloads/session
    schedule = watch_directory,5,5,load_start=~/Downloads/torrents/*.torrent
    schedule = untied_directory,5,5,stop_untied=
    schedule = low_diskspace,5,60,close_low_diskspace=100M
    # schedule = ratio,60,60,"stop_on_ratio=200,200M,2000"
    port_range = 9400-9500
    port_random = yes
    dht = on
    dht_port = 9501   
    peer_exchange = yes
    send_buffer_size = 10M 
    receive_buffer_size = 20M


    命令行输入rtorrent 即可

    gentoo ~ # rtorrent 

    退出下载 CTRL+q

    • 添加和删除 torrents
      回退键 用 URL 或者文件路径添加,采用 tab 键查看目录内容并自动完成,支持通配符,例如: ~/torrent/*
      回车键 和回退键一样,但是添加的 torrent 保持非激活( inactive )状态 (用 ^s 激活)
      ^o 对选择的 torrent 设置新的下载目录,仅仅对还没有被激活过的 torrent
      ^s 开始下载,先运行 hash ,除非已经做过
      ^d 停止激活的下载,或者删除一个停止的下载
      ^r 初始化 torrent 的 hash 检查
      a/s/d 增加上传带宽 1/5/50 KB.
      z/x/c 降低上传带宽 1/5/50 KB.
      A/S/D 增加下载带宽 1/5/50 KB.
      Z/X/C 降低下载带宽 1/5/50 KB.

    注意: ^s 和 ^q 在 shell 里面经常用来控制屏幕的暂停,这会和 rTorrent 发生冲突,用 stty -a 来检查是否已经被使用,删除的办法是:
    stty stop undef
    stty start undef
    before running rTorrent (or reattaching to screen) to leave them undefined. You could also replace undef with some other code — ^p, say. ^d also usually sends end-of-file but ncurses passes this through to rTorrent. stty eof undef if you are worried.
    To fix this, you may also toggle the flow control in screen with ^a ^f until screen displays “-flow” in the bottom left corner.

    Global Keys

    • 主屏幕视图操作
      ^q 关闭 rTorrent,再按一次,强行关闭
      上下 选择 torrent
      右键 切换到下载视图
      左键 回到前一个屏幕
      ^r 检查 hash
      +/- 修改优先度
      l 查看日志,空格退出
      1 显示所有下载
      2 显示所有下载,按文件名排序
      3 显示开始的下载
      4 显示停止的下载
      5 显示完成的下载
      6 显示未完成的下载
      7 显示正在 hash 的下载
      8 显示正在做种的下载

    • 下载视图
      right Switch to selected view
      left Switch to view selection or back to main view
      1/2 Adjust max uploads.
      3/4 Adjust min peers.
      5/6 Adjust max peers.
      p Display peer info
      o Display torrent info
      i Display file list
      u Display tracker list
      t/T Initiate tracker request. Use capital T to force the request, ignoring the “min interval” set by the tracker.

    • Peer list View Keys
      left Switch to view selection
      right Show peer details
      * Snub peer (stop uploading to this peer)
      k Kick peer (disconnect from peer)

    • File list View Keys
      left Switch to view selection
      right Show file details
      space Change the file priority; applies recursively when done on a directory
      * Change the priority of all files
      / Collapse directories. While collapsed, press right to expand the selected directory.

    • Tracker list View Keys
      left Switch to view selection
      * Enable/disable tracker
      space Rotate trackers in a group



