Part 1 字词
1、...and I have no idea how we're going to pull this thing off.
pull off 赢得,做成某事,努力实现
例句:It will be a very, very fine piece of mountaineering if they pull it off.
造句:Who do you think could pull off a job like this?
2、Thank God Rodrick won't be in the audience to see me humiliate myself.
humiliate [hju'mɪli.eɪt] 使丢脸
~ sb/yourself/sth 羞辱;使丧失尊严to make sb feel ashamed or stupid and lose the respect of other people
例句:You were deliberately trying to humiliate me.
造句:She did this merely to humiliate him.
3、...they're letting us Trees carve out arm holes for the performance.
carve out 这里指雕刻出…;砍出...还可用来表示用辛勤的劳动创造出…(=创业)eg: Positive attitude and can carve out the market.
例句:Camille used a hammer and chisel to carve out a figure from the marble.
造句:We have enough patience to carve out the new markets.
4、...but it got delayed because Rodney Jame had stage fright.
stage fright 怯场

例句:It sounds like a bad case of stage fright, that's all. Just take a deep breath. You'll be fine.
造句:When I was a little girl, Mom always let me dance in front of the relatives, and I had stage fright every time.
5、I just hope that everyone who came to see the play was as entertained as I was.
entertained 使高兴,使快乐
例句:This should save her from boredom and will also relieve the pressure on you to keep her entertained.
造句:They were entertained by top singers.
Part 2 仿写
1、The frist sign that things ware not going to go well happened before the play even started.
句式:the frist sign that things ware not going to go well happened before...
造句:The frist sign that things ware not going to go well happened before he left home.
2、Seeing Patty standing there reminded me why I signed up to be a Tree in the first place.
in the first place 起初
造句:The better question might be why do they get married in the first place, and then end up in divorce?
Part 3 日记
Usually, the working environment was so nervous, because of the boss were showed up any time. I have a colleagues, sometimes as a friend, and sometime as a buggy girl.
I guess she weighs about 100 kilograms, maybe more than that. Although she often goes to the gym, she still can't keep up with her eat. She sit in the chair for no more than 5 minutes, one minutes water the flowers, and then eat snacks, do this for a moment, and do that for a moment, and you know what? When we got home from work, she began to work overtime.
But anyway, shealways help others, and has lots of fantastic ideas. So it's not annoying, I just hope that someone else who in this office people like her was as entertained as I was.
Part 4 A&Q
五年级的学生 fifth-grader
即兴发挥 ab-lib
1.5小时 an hour and a helf
最初的梦想the dream in the first place
一束玫瑰花 a bouquet of roses
歌词 lyric
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