aMoS [005] 冥王星上的爱心

aMoS [005] 冥王星上的爱心

作者: 木木卡卡西 | 来源:发表于2016-01-05 13:05 被阅读68次



除了Sputnik Planum,本篇单词没有太难的,但就是得记得,行星首字母要大写,地球(Earth)也不例外。

没听清楚的句子:And then the New Horizon spacecraft take 9 years to get there.

Sputnik Planum: 斯帕尼克平原(冥王星上的心形区域)
nitrogen: 氮
methane: 甲烷
carbon monoxide: 一氧化碳


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Y: We finally make it to Pluto, Don.

D: That's right, Yaya. And then  the New Horizon spacecraft take nine years to get there.

Y: Pluto is over 4.5 billion miles from Earth. Even with a speed of 39,000 miles per hour, it still takes a long time to travel that far. But it was worth the long wait.

D: I bet scientists were surprised to find Pluto has a heart.

Y: What looks like a heart-shaped area in Pluto’s Sputnik Planum region is really ice. The area measures about a thousand miles across. That's the size of Texas. And it’s not water ice. It’s made up of nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide. The carbon monoxide is thickest in the whiter areas of the heart.

D: Those are common gases here on Earth. Are you telling me they are solids and not gases on Pluto?

Y: Yes, Don. Being so very far from the sun, Pluto is a super cold place. The gases remain frozen, but not permanent. High resolution photos suggest that Pluto’s ice may have moved recently, like glaciers here on Earth. That means there has been some geological activity, at least within the last 100 million years. The ice also has dark streaks that are a few miles long. These are aligned in the same direction and may have been produced by winds blowing across the surface.

D: Winds?

Y: Pluto also has an atmosphere that extends about 80 miles above the surface.

D: So, Pluto isn’t just a dead rock like our moon.

Y: No. It appears to be geologically active.

D: Like a planet?

Y: Oh no, Don. We are not starting the "Pluto is a planet" argument again.




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