Case/格 (2)-Dative

Case/格 (2)-Dative

作者: Growing_Strong | 来源:发表于2016-11-14 06:51 被阅读0次

Today I will talk about dative(与格), a case not existing in English and Chinese. As you can tell from its name, it's a case mostly used when there is an action of giving. It marks the indirect object of the verb predicate. For example, in the phrase "I gave her a gift card", "gift card" is the direct object of the verb "give", whereas "her" is the indirect object, and therefore "her" would be marked as dative if English had this case. Since English doesn't have the case, it treats the indirect object the same way as it does with the direct object. That is, use an accusative case for pronouns and no case for nouns. 


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      本文标题:Case/格 (2)-Dative
