【汉化】Translation Engine

【汉化】Translation Engine

作者: 沧笙 | 来源:发表于2018-06-23 01:06 被阅读436次

Translation Engine


This plugin provides game developers with tools necessary to easily and effectively translate and localize all the text within their game. This is through both an in-game tool that can be used while playtesting and a powerful notetag system for translating database inputs.

Installing the Plugin

Here’s a quick overview on how to properly install the plugin:

  1. Place this plugin at the bottom of your plugin list!

  2. Fill out the [Languages] plugin parameter with all the languages the game will be translated to.

  3. Set the [Source Language Name] plugin parameter to the name of the language used by the text by default.

  4. Finally, set [Provide Option?] ON or OFF based on whether or not you wish to provide the player with the option to change the language in the options menu.

How to open the Translation App

While playtesting, press [CTRL + T] on Windows or [CMD + T] on Mac in order to open the “Translation App”. This is an app/editor that allows one to set up translations while playing the game.
虽然玩测试,在Windows上按[CTRL + T]或在Mac上按[CMD + T] 以打开“翻译应用程序”。这是一款应用/编辑器,可让您在玩游戏时设置翻译。

Once the app is open, it will act as a separate window from the game window.

Here are a few rules that apply:

  1. While the app is open, the game will only show the default text. You may not view translations unless the tool is closed. This is to help avoid confusion while editing since changes will not be applied until the app window is closed.

  2. The game cannot completely shut down unless both the game window and the
    editor window are both closed. If, for some reason, you cannot playtest your game, be sure the Translation App is closed!

  3. The app will save its position when it is closed. If you open it again, it will appear where it left off! However, once you close or reset the game, its position will also be reset.

How to use the Translation App

To start translating, first select the language you wish to translate to in the top-right corner of the app. Next, select what aspect of your game you wish to translate. All four choices appear as tabs you may select from the top of the editor. They are:

~ Messages
~ Commands
~ Terms
~ Custom Translations

Here’s an explanation of each one:


This allows developers to provide translations for text within “Show Text”
events and “Show Scrolling Text” events. While the “Messages” tab is open,
the Original input will update itself to the current text displayed within
one of the aforementioned events. If neither of those events are active,
the input will remain blank.
这允许开发者在“显示文本” 事件和“显示滚动文本”事件中为文本提供翻译。当“消息”选项卡打开时,原始输入将自行更新为上述事件之一中显示的当前文本。如果这两个事件均未激活,则输入将保持空白。

While Original input box has text in it, one may create a translation for
the displayed text in the Translation input box. Simply type the text in
and it will save automatically!

Keep in mind the translations should include the desired text codes!

Also, this mode works great with the Event “Test” feature!


One may provide translations for any command windows using the “Commands”
tab. While this tab is open, all one must do is have an active cursor on a command window, and the Original input will update itself. Insert a corresponding translation into the Translation input to translate the command!
可以使用“命令” 选项卡为任何命令窗口提供翻译。当这个选项卡打开时,所有人必须做的是在命令窗口上有一个活动光标,并且原始输入将自行更新。将相应的翻译插入翻译输入以翻译命令!

Some windows that fall under the category of “command windows” include:

  • The title screen command window
  • The menu command window
  • Command menus in other scenes
  • The options window
  • The game end window
  • Event choice windows

This, of course, will also work with command windows added through
external plugins. Don’t be afraid to experiment!


This section allows developers to translate the terms and messages from within their project’s Database’s Terms tab. All the Base Statuses,Parameters, and Messages can be translated here. First, select the “Term” from the dropdown list. Next, input a translation based upon the provided Original input that contains the current text for that term.
本部分允许开发人员在其项目的数据库的术语标签中翻译术语和消息。所有的基本状态,参数和消息都可以在这里翻译。首先,从下拉列表中选择“术语” 。接下来,根据提供的包含当前文本的原始输入输入翻译。

Similar to the previous tabs, once you insert the text into the Translation box, it will immediately be saved!

When one begins his or her translation process, it is recommended he or she starts the process here. This tab provides the capability to make a large number of helpful base translations!

Custom Translations

Custom translations allow for developers to set a word to phrase to specifically translate into another. This is primarily used to translate text that cannot be translated through any of the other mediums provided through this plugin. Use this as a last resort for anything you cannot
translate normally!

In order to add a translation, simply fill out both the “Original” and“Translation” inputs, then press the “Add Translation” button. This will add the pair to a list of custom translations displayed on the lower-half of the page.

In order to delete a translation, fill out the “Original” input with the original text for that translation, then press the “Delete Translation” button. This will remove that translation pair from both the list and the game itself.
为了删除翻译,请使用该翻译的原文填写“原始”输入,然后按下“删除翻译” 按钮。这将从列表和游戏本身中移除该翻译对。

RegExp Translations

Custom translations can also use Regular Expressions. As opposed to the normal custom translations which require exact matching in order to work, Regular Expressions can allow for more dynamic checks and replacements from within larger bodies of text.

In order to setup a Regular Expression, simply set the Original input to
have a Regular Expression using the typical JavaScript format:


For example:


This example will check all texts for this match and apply a replacement in order to replace this with the text defined in the Translation input.

Translating the Database

The second part of this plugin revolves around translating Database inputs by using a notetag setup to translate specific fields. This can be done with Actors, Classes, Skills, Items, Weapons, Armors, Enemies, States, and Tilesets.

To do this, use the following notetag structure:

</LANGUAGE Translation>
[LANGUAGE] => The name of the language this is a translation for.
[PROP] => A field name for this data object.
[VAL] => The translated value for that data object’s field.

This may appear to be a little confusing, but here is an example that one
may use to translate an Actor’s fields:

<Spanish Translation>
[profile]:Este es el héroe del juego.
Le gusta caminar por la playa y jugar juegos.
</Spanish Translation>

This means, when the language is set to Spanish, this Actor will have the
following changes:

Name will be set to “Haroldo”.
Nickname will be set to “Harldy”.
Profile will be set to “Este es el héroe del juego.
Le gusta caminar por la playa y jugar juegos.”

配置文件将设置为“Este es elhéroedel juego。
Le gusta caminar por la playa y jugar juegos。“
All Common Fields

Here is a list of all the common field names you may wish to use
corresponding to each Database section:

<LANGUAGE Translation>
</LANGUAGE Translation>

<LANGUAGE Translation>
</LANGUAGE Translation>

<LANGUAGE Translation>
</LANGUAGE Translation>

[Items, Weapons, Armors]
<LANGUAGE Translation>
</LANGUAGE Translation>

<LANGUAGE Translation>
</LANGUAGE Translation>

<LANGUAGE Translation>
</LANGUAGE Translation>

<LANGUAGE Translation>
</LANGUAGE Translation>
Different Images Based on Language

One may load alternative images based on the game’s language. To do this,one must use the following format for the image file name:


To allow the plugin to recognize that an image can be translated, first set the original image’s file name to:


Then set up names for all your alternative images:

IMAGENAME_[Spanish] IMAGENAME_[Portuguese]

Be sure to set up images for all languages in your game!

Plugin Commands

In order to force the game to use a specific language, the following plugin command must be invoked in an event. This can be different for every game file.

SetTranslation LANGUAGE

For example:

SetTranslation Spanish

Once a language is forced, it cannot be changed in the options menu. In order to remove a forced translation, use the plugin command:


Checking Current Language

In order to change events based on the current language, the following script condition needs to be used:

ConfigManager.getLanguage() === “LANGUAGE”

For example:

ConfigManager.getLanguage() === “Spanish”

End of Help Section



      本文标题:【汉化】Translation Engine
