《Word Power Made Easy》——Chapter

《Word Power Made Easy》——Chapter

作者: 篮筐轰炸机5号 | 来源:发表于2020-07-02 23:08 被阅读0次



单词 发音
1. penury PEN′-yƏ-ree
2. vicarious vī-KAĪR′-ee-Əs
3. ephemeral Ə-FEM′-Ə-rƏl
4. euphemism Y′-fƏ-miz-Əm
5. badinage BAD′-Ə-nƏj
6. bovine BŌ′-vīn′
7. nostalgia nƏ-STAL′-jƏ
8. cacophony kƏ-KOF′-Ə-nee
9. carnivorous kahr-NIV′-Ər-Əs
10. clandestine klan-DES′-tin
单词 发音
1. penurious pƏ-NYR′-ee-Əs or
2. penuriousness pƏ-NYR′-ee-Əs-nƏs or
3. parsimonious pahr′-sƏ-MŌ′-nee-Əs
4. parsimony PAHR′-sƏ-mō′-nee
5. indigence IN′-dƏ-jƏns
6. indigent IN′-dƏ-jƏnt
7. destitution des′-tƏ-T′-shƏn
8. destitute DES′-tƏ-tt
9. affluence AF′-l-Əns
10. affluent AF′-l-Ənt
11. opulence OP′-yƏ-lƏns
12. opulent OP′-yƏ-lƏnt
单词 发音
1. evanescent ev′-Ə-NES′-Ənt
2. evanescence ev′-Ə-NES′-Əns
3. evanesce ev′-Ə-NES′
4. euphemistic y-fƏ-MIS′-tik
5. euphony YOO′-fƏ-nee
6. euphonic y-FON′-ik
7. euphonious y-FŌ′-nee-Əs
8. eulogy YOO′-lƏ-jee
9. eulogistic y′-lƏ-JIS′-tik
10. eulogize Y′-lƏ-jīz′
单词 发音
1. euphoria y-FAWR′-ee-Ə
2. euphoric y-FAWR′-ik
3. euthanasia y′-thƏ-NAY′-zha
4. persiflage PUR′-sƏ-flahzh′
5. cliché klee-SHAY′
6. bromide BRŌ′-mīd′
7. bromidic brō-MID′-ik
8. platitude PLAT′-Ə-td
9. platitudinous plat′-Ə-TOO′-dƏ-nƏs
10. anodyne AN′-Ə-dīn′
单词 发音
1. leonine LEE′-Ə-nīn′
2. canine KAY′-nīn′
3. feline FEE′-līn′
4. porcine PAWR′-sīn′
5. vulpine VUL′-pīn′
6. ursine UR′-sīn′
7. lupine L′-pīn′
8. equine EE′-kwīn′
9. piscine PIS′-īn′
10. nostalgic nos-TAL′-jik
单词 发音
1. cacophonous kƏ-KOF′-Ə-nƏs
2. phonetics fƏ-NET′-iks
3. phonetic fƏ-NET′-ik
4. phonetician fō-nƏ-TISH′-Ən
5. carnivore KAHR′-nƏ-vawr′
6. herbivore HUR′-bƏ-vawr′
7. herbivorous hur-BIV′-Ər-Əs
8. omnivorous om-NIV′-Ər-Əs
9. voracious vaw-RAY′-shƏs
10. voracity vaw-RAS′-Ə-tee
11. omnipotent om-NIP′-Ə-tƏnt
12. impotent IM′-pƏ-tƏnt
13. impotence IM′-pƏ-tƏns
14. omnipotence om-NIP′-Ə-tƏns
单词 发音
1. omniscient om-NISH′-Ənt
2. omniscience om-NISH′-Əns
3. omnipresent om′-nƏ-PREZ′-Ənt
4. omnipresence om′-nƏ-PREZ′-Əns
5. ubiquitous y-BIK′-wƏ-tƏs
6. ubiquity y-BIK′-wƏ-tee
7. ubiquitousness y-BIK′-wƏ-tƏs-nƏs
8. omnibus OM′-nƏ-bƏs
单词 发音
1. carnelian kahr-NEEL′-yƏn
2. carnal KAHR′-nƏl
3. carnality kahr-NAL′-Ə-tee
4. carnage KAHR′-nƏj
5. reincarnation ree′-in-kahr-NAY′-shƏn
6. reincarnate (v.) ree′-in-KAHR′-nayt
7. incarnate (adj.) in-KAHR′-nƏt
8. incarnate (v.) in-KAHR′-nayt
9. surreptitious sur′-Əp-TISH′-Əs
10. surreptitiousness sur′-Əp-TISH′-Əs-nƏs


词根 涵义
1. penuria need, neediness
2. ad- (af-) to, toward
3. fluo to flow
4. opulentus wealthy
5. ephemera dayfly
6. e-, ex- out
7. vanesco to vanish
8. -esce begin to
9. -ent adjective suffix
10. -ence noun suffix
11. eu- good
12. pheme voice
13. -ism noun suffix
14. phone sound
15. -ic adjective suffix
16. -ous adjective suffix
17. logos word, speech
18. -ize verb suffix
19. thanatos death
20. platys broad or flat
21. an- negative prefix
22. odyne pain
词根 涵义
1. -ine like, similar to, characteristic of
2. leo lion
3. felis cat
4. porcus pig
5. canis dog
6. vulpus fox
7. ursus bear
8. lupus wolf
9. equus horse
10. piscis fish
11. nostos a return
12. algos pain
13. -ic adjective suffix
14. kakos bad, harsh, ugly
15. phone sound
16. xylon wood
17. carnis flesh
18. voro to devour
19. herba herb
20. omnis all
21. -ous adjective suffix
22. potens, potentis powerful
23. sciens knowing
24. ubique everywhere
25. -ity noun suffix
26. vale farewell
27. -al adjective suffix
28. re- again, back
29. -ate verb suffix
30. in- in
31. clam secretly
32. -ent adjective suffix
33. -ence noun suffix



      本文标题:《Word Power Made Easy》——Chapter
