Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine on Wednesday announced that the state will award five random adults who get COVID-19 vaccine shots $1 million each. Five young people who get vaccinated will get full four-year scholarships to public colleges and universities, he added.
"Getting [our 12- to 17-year-olds] vaccinated is so important that we will have a separate incentive for them," DeWine said during a public address.
In order to become eligible for the prizes, children ages 12 to 17 can register through an online portal as of May 18 to enter the drawing. Winners will be selected at random every Wednesday for five consecutive weeks, starting May 26. The scholarships will cover tuition and room and board.
Five Ohioans ages 18 and older will be eligible for $1 million through a similar lottery program. Winners must have received at least one dose of a vaccine by the date of the drawing.
俄亥俄州州长Mike DeWine于星期三宣布,州政府将随机抽取5名接种了疫苗的成年人,并奖励每人100万美元。而且,这五名接种过的年轻人还会得到公立大学4年全年奖学金。
Mike DeWine向公众明言:“对于12到17岁的年轻人,接种新冠疫苗十分必要,以至于我们不得不采取激励手段来刺激他们。”