Evolution, we are well on its ti

Evolution, we are well on its ti

作者: 宣雄民 | 来源:发表于2021-06-21 16:04 被阅读0次

    There is nothing that can be unchanged

    Our society is constantly advancing and converting to a highly technical world, which heavily relies on scientific progressions and well-educated people. It is an evident social phenomenon, which we must adapt to the ever-changing environment, just like our ancestors adapted to the ancient world along with various others species, till what we are today(Homosapien). The idea is to gain self-awareness, for which we the only survived group out of the four species of the genus Homo.

    Stillness ought to be the way of immersion, rather than stagnation.

    Come up with an idea, and start doing things are the easiest part, staying, keep working on it, which is the hardest part in all man-kind.

    Enjoyment of being overwhelmed by the enormous notions of the vast universe, which leads to the immersion of constant study, participation, and advancement in scientific progression. One must pick up the weapons, clean up the mind, staying still while denying to be stagnated.



          本文标题:Evolution, we are well on its ti
