在Quora上随便逛逛的时候,发现一个人写了rethink MBA的文章。从他的网上download了电子版在kindle上看,这里做一个关于这本书的笔记。
以下说的是他觉得有这些一样可以找到dream job并且可以替代掉2年MBA的时间和20w刀的学费
- A CFA certificate ( or a master in Finance will do)
- Coursera "Wharton Foundation Series"
- It's not about the name of the club; it's about how difficult it is to get into the club.
- Mckinsey White papers -for who want Consulting
CFA - for who want Banking- advice: explore your dream before b-school
- short-term(3 months), start-up accelerators
- two possible models for enterpreneurship: the Founder Institue and Standford's StartX program
- 想去google的:1. technical depth 2. operating experience at a expertise in a really hot field of interesting start-up
- extrepruneurial credibility and technical credentials
- successful entrepreneurs with technical backgrounds will replace the finacial investors with MBAs that came before them
- Find startups that you can help, help them. Make micro-investments on Angellist. Refer startups to VCs.
[technical depths and serious operation experience] - research the alternative paths and write down the exact steps take to pursue them.
- "Intro to Programming" at Udacity.
- links: www.rethinkthe mba.com twitter:@rethinkMBA
我是刚毕业从事金融行业,想继续发展,对职业规划很难有一个很全面的把控。所以最近一直在搜集信息。读研也好,MBA也好,看到了这本小书。书的作者本身是沃顿MBA毕业的。他的看法是如果你读MBA是想要创业的,那上述的5 6 12完全可以满足,不用花2年时间和20w刀的钱。一般三个月足以看到一个startup的雏形;如果你读MBA是想要进Banking的,也有替代的选择:1 2 4 完全可以满足。想要进consulting的,2 4 也可以。如果想做VC实现financial freedom的,10 可以满足,你完全可以直接去做VC做的事,没必要浪费2年时间金钱,毕业了还得还债。
他还提供了一个数据,就是从事其他行业的人,读完MBA了,最后都去从事Banking 和consulting了。一个原因就是他们付了20w刀的学费,为了赚回这个学费,不得不从事or最后都选择了Banking和Consulting行业,因为这两个行业给Fresh MBA的pay都最高。如果继续从事原行业,是赚不回学费的钱的。所以导致了结果就是读MBA的都去从事Banking 和Consulting了。这就建议,如果其他行业的人想要靠MBA积累人脉,可能最后都回不了原行业工作了。主动选择和被动选择的都有。