作者: 凌洲 | 来源:发表于2016-03-17 17:01 被阅读0次


Api Document

README ===if u wander more click here

Mobile number Authentication(Sign up)


When user input his mobile number. Browser send a json make sure that this mobile has not been signed.

Http request

POST http://localhost:port/users.json

Query Parameter

"mobile_number": 15908155675

Message Authentication(Sign up)


Server has send a massage to current user's mobile phone including a 6-bit authentic number. And user need to input this number correctly.

Http request

POST http://localhost:port/users.json

Query Parameter

"mobile_number": 15908155675,
"message": 123456

CD-key Authentication(Sign up)


Make sure user has payed.

Http request

POST http://localhost:port/users.json

Query Parameter

"mobile_number": 15908155675,
"message": 123456,
"key": "FT73QBYUEWQ7"

Sign up Authentication(Sign up)


User has finished all input box correctly. And click the submit bottom.

Http request

POST http://localhost:port/users.json

Query Parameter

"mobile_number": 15908155675,
"message": 123456,
"key": "FT73QBYUEWQ7",
"password": "123789",
"passworde_comfirmation": "123789"

Mobile number Authenticatiion(Log in)


User wanna log in and input his mobile number.

Http request

POST http://localhost:port/sessions.json

Query Parameter

"mobile_number": 15908155675

Log in Authentication(Log in)


Server need to affirm if mobile number and password are corresponding.

Http request

POST http://localhost:port/sessions.json

Query Parameter

"mobile_number": 15908155675,
"password": "123789"

Get all the staff(Staff Management)


User ask for a list of all the staff.

Http request

GET http://localhost:port/employees.json

Query Parameter

"corporation_id": 1,
"member_count": 6
"name": "流程部",
"member_count": 16
"id": 1,
"mobile_number": 12345678910,
"name": "唐宇",
"mac": "98:E0:D9:4E:71:A4",
"openid": "oB4nYjvY13SVtaWC-AFztM2f3TlU",
"corporation_id": 1,
"department": "开发部",
"image": "tangyu.jpg"
"id": 2,
"mobile_number": 78912345610,
"name": "李嘉迅",
"mac": "48:E9:K9:A9:71:A8",
"openid": "oB4nYjvY13SVtaWC-AFztM2f3TlU",
"corporation_id": 1,
"department": "流程部",
"image": "lijiaxun.jpg"

Get the special staff(Staff Management)


User ask for the special staff infomation.

Http request

GET http://localhost:port/employees/id.json

Query Parameter

"id": 1,
"mobile_number": 12345678910,
"name": "唐宇",
"mac": "98:E0:D9:4E:71:A4",
"openid": "oB4nYjvY13SVtaWC-AFztM2f3TlU",
"corporation_id": 1,
"department": "开发部",
"image": "tangyu.jpg"
"date": "/Date(700000+0500)/",
"clock": "normal", 
"holiday?": false,
"id": 1
"date": "/Date(710000+0500)/",
"clock": "late", 
"holiday?": false,
"id": 1
"date": "/Date(770000+0500)/",
"clock": "absence", 
"holiday?": false,
"id": 1

Change staff profile(Staff Management)


User edit profile of the staff

Http request

PATCH http://localhost:port/employees/id.json

Query request

"id": 1,
"mobile_number": 12345678910,
"name": "唐宇",
"mac": "98:E0:D9:4E:71:A4",
"department": "开发部",
"image": "tangyu.jpg"
"date": "/Date(700000+0500)/",
"clock": "normal", 
"holiday?": false,
"id": 1
"date": "/Date(710000+0500)/",
"clock": "late", 
"holiday?": false,
"id": 1
"date": "/Date(770000+0500)/",
"clock": "absence", 
"holiday?": false,
"id": 1

Delete someone leave our firm(Staff Management)


User need to delete all information of someone who leave this company.

Http request

DELETE http://localhost:port/employees/id.json

Query Parameter


User profile fill form(User Setting)


After user's login action, he will fill his profile form and then server could know more datail infomation about him.

Http request

POST http://localhost:port/users/id.json

Query Parameter

"mobile_number": 168-0312-8888,
"password": "123789",
"passworde_reset": "789123",
"email": "foxmother@gmail.com",
"name": "董小姐",
"gender": "female"

User fill firm infomation(User Setting)


User who takes charge of personnel need to input some message about this company, including departments and leaders.

Http request

GET http://localhost:port/corporations/id.json

Query Parameter

"corporation_name": "聊聊科技",
"address": "天上",
"department_name": "开发部"
"department_name": "流程部"

User set clock time(Clock Setting)


User input T1 to T6. Ps:therer should be some default values, user could change them if necessary.

Http request

PATCH http://localhost:port/time_clocks.json

Query Parameter

"t1": "8:00",
"t2": "9:00",
"t3": "10:00",
"t4": "4:00",
"t5": "5:00",
"t6": "6:00" 

User set clock mode(Clock Setting)


User choose a clock mode in 3. Ps:therer should be a default value, user could change them if necessary.

Http request

PATCH http://localhost:port/clockmodes.json

Query Parameter

"mode": "hell"

Month Staement(Statements)


All employees with their clock records.

Http request

PATCH http://localhost:port/statements/1.json("1" means Jan)

Query Parameter

"name": "唐宇",
"corporation_id": 1,
"department": "开发部",
"overtime": 14,
"date": "/Date(700000+0500)/",
"clock": "normal", 
"holiday?": false,
"id": 1
"date": "/Date(710000+0500)/",
"clock": "late", 
"holiday?": false,
"id": 1
"date": "/Date(770000+0500)/",
"clock": "absence", 
"holiday?": false,
"id": 1
"name": "李嘉迅",
"corporation_id": 1,
"department": "流程部",
"overtime": 23,
"date": "/Date(700000+0500)/",
"clock": "normal", 
"holiday?": false,
"id": 2
"date": "/Date(710000+0500)/",
"clock": "late", 
"holiday?": false,
"id": 2
"date": "/Date(770000+0500)/",
"clock": "absence", 
"holiday?": false,
"id": 2

Main page(Dash board)


Main page dashboard.

Http request

GET http://localhost:port/dashboard.json

Query Parameter

"late_count": 1,
"absencec_count": 1,
"attendance": 1,
"tardy": 1,
"vacate" 1,
"total": 5,
"name": "开发部"
"name": "流程部",


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