作者: 一窝竹子 | 来源:发表于2018-07-21 17:23 被阅读11次

    Some parents offer their school-age children money for each high grade(mark) they get in school. Do you think this is a good idea?

    Long time ago, knowledge had already became the vital step for the progress of human and also for individual to live a better life or enter a higher class. The purpose of these parents wants their children to gain more knowledge using money as a trigger is totally understandable. Although a lot of parents worry about that too much money will intrigue their children by something evil, some real examples can prove they are wrong.

    First of all, as the parents provide money for their children’s good grade, these children will try to do better in their school to get a good grade. A good grade cannot present a person, but it can hugely impact their applications for their future school. Knowledge can change a person’s life, but seldom children in their early age can recognize this. They always influence by the outside world and consider all they gained are reasonable and not going to loose it.

    Through this reward, we allow children get touch with the world earlier, know the hardship of earning money and learn how to manage their money correctly.



