- 报错
RemoveError: 'requests' is a dependency of conda and cannot be removed from conda's operating environment.
- 解决办法
conda update conda
- 报错
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'encoding'
- 解决办法
- 报错
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
- 解决办法
CFLAGS=-stdlib=libc++ pip install package_name
- 安装包PyYAML时
- 报错
Cannot uninstall 'PyYAML'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.
- 解决办法
pip install docker-py --ignore-installed PyYAML
- 安装jupyter-plotly-dash后Jupyter报404错误
- 解决办法
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter-server-proxy
jupyter serverextension enable jupyter_server_proxy # jupyter-server-proxy服务器扩展在安装时没有自动启用,这是一个依赖项jupyterlab-dash
- 在使用pandas_datareader时报错
- 错误
from pandas.compat import StringIO, bytes_to_str
ImportError: cannot import name 'StringIO' from 'pandas.compat'
- 原因及解决办法
问题是pandas 0.25.0已经删除了pandas.compat。 需要将pandas的版本降为0.24.2
- 使用plotly在不同的轴上绘制多个不同的Plotly饼图
- 错误:
ValueError: Invalid property specified for object of type plotly.graph_objs.Pie: 'xaxis'
- 原因及解决办法
- 错误:
TypeError: 'module' object is not iterable
- 解决办法
- flask的服务起不来
- 错误:
usage: manage.py [-?] {db,create_back_user,shell,runserver} ...
- 解决办法:在pycharm运行flask程序时,会出现如上的错误,是因为pycharm没有给脚本添加runserver。在【Edit Configuration】中的【Parameters】一栏添加:runserver即可。
- flask做数据迁移
- 错误:
ERROR [root] Error: Target database is not up to date.
- 解决办法
python manage.py db stamp head 必须要先执行这一步
python manage.py db migrate
python manage.py db upgrade