# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Dec 9 18:30:00 2017
@author: wyq
实现 __get__、__set__、__delete__,则认为为descriptor类。
如果去掉__get__则print中只能打印出TypedProperty object 信息,不能得到具体值。
1. Instance is the instance that the attribute was accessed through, or None when the attribute is accessed through the owner.
2. Owner is always the owner class.为Foo 或 TypedProperty 或 object 皆可。
3. The following methods only apply when an instance of the class containing the method (a so-called descriptor class) appears in an owner class (the descriptor must be in either the owner’s class dictionary or in the class dictionary for one of its parents).
4. This method should return the (computed) attribute value or raise an AttributeError exception.
将 c = TypedProperty("name",str)这样的语句放在class内与直接赋值,结果得到的c的type是不一样的。
import dis
class TypedProperty(object):
def __init__(self, name, type, default=None):
self.name = "_" + name
self.type = type
self.default = default if default else type()
def __get__(self, instance,cls):
return getattr(instance, self.name, self.default)
def __set__(self,instance,value):
if not isinstance(value,self.type):
raise TypeError("Must be a %s" % self.type)
setattr(instance,self.name,value)#相当于 instance.name = value
def __delete__(self,instance):
raise AttributeError("Can't delete attribute")
class Foo(object):
name = TypedProperty("name",str)
num = TypedProperty("num",int,42)
a= Foo()
print type(a.name)
print type(a.num)
a.name = 'wyq'
print a.name
a.num = 22
print type(a).__dict__['__dict__'].__get__(a, type(a))
print type(a).__dict__['num'].__get__(a, type(a))
print type(a).__dict__.keys()
# print a.num
# a.name= 12
#print a.num
#print dis.dis(TypedProperty)
#print dis.dis(Foo)
print '*****************************'
c = TypedProperty('name',str,'yq')#将instance和'w'绑定
print "type of c ",type(c)
#whatf = object()
c.__set__(c,'k')#这里看出,a.name = 相当于调用了__set__
#print c.__get__(whatf,type(c))
print c.__get__(c,object)
print c.name,c.type,c.default
#print whatf == c
print type(c).__dict__.keys()
print type(c).__dict__['__dict__'].__get__(c, type(c))
print c._name
print c.default
print type(c._name)
print '*****************************'
print c.__getattribute__('__get__')
print c.__getattribute__('__dict__')
print a.__getattribute__('__dict__')