

作者: 叶迎宪 | 来源:发表于2020-11-09 22:23 被阅读0次


# Time: 201104 14:00:12
# User@Host: root[root] @  []  Id: 1729251
# Query_time: 12.155832  Lock_time: 0.000181 Rows_sent: 100  Rows_examined: 2652680
 lu.photo userImage,
 wc.typeId AS courseType,
 wc.name AS courseName,
 DATE_FORMAT(wcu.CreatedTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS time
 wkt_courseclassuser wcu
INNER JOIN wkt_course wc on wcu.courseId = wc.id
INNER JOIN lxx_user lu ON wcu.userId = lu.userId
INNER JOIN (select t.* from (select * from lxx_classuserrecord WHERE classtypeid =1  ORDER BY CreateTime desc) t  GROUP BY t.userid ) lcur ON lcur.userid = lu.userId
INNER JOIN lxx_class lc on lc.classId = lcur.classId
INNER JOIN lxx_registerschool lr ON lr.schoolKey = lu.schoolKey
WHERE lc.status = 1 and lc.typeId = 1
 and lr.schoolId = 60800000000000001
 and wc.typeId in (1,2,3,23)
ORDER BY wc.CreateTime DESC
LIMIT 100;


mysql> explain SELECT
-> lu.userId,
-> lu.userName,
-> lu.photo userImage,
-> lu.sex,
-> wc.typeId AS courseType,
-> wc.name AS courseName,
-> lc.className,
-> DATE_FORMAT(wcu.CreatedTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS time
-> wkt_courseclassuser wcu
-> INNER JOIN wkt_course wc on wcu.courseId = wc.id
-> INNER JOIN lxx_user lu ON wcu.userId = lu.userId
-> INNER JOIN (select t.* from (select * from lxx_classuserrecord WHERE classtypeid =1 ORDER BY CreateTime desc) t GROUP BY t.userid ) lcur ON lcur.userid = lu.userId
-> INNER JOIN lxx_class lc on lc.classId = lcur.classId
-> INNER JOIN lxx_registerschool lr ON lr.schoolKey = lu.schoolKey
-> WHERE lc.status = 1 and lc.typeId = 1
-> and lr.schoolId = 60800000000000001
-> and wc.typeId in (1,2,3,23)
-> ORDER BY wc.CreateTime DESC
-> LIMIT 100;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | lr | ref | lxx_registerSchool_schoolId | lxx_registerSchool_schoolId | 9 | const | 1 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
| 1 | PRIMARY | lu | ref | PRIMARY,index_lxx_user_schoolKey | index_lxx_user_schoolKey | 603 | wkt_school.lr.schoolKey | 79 | Using where |
| 1 | PRIMARY | <derived2> | ref | <auto_key1> | <auto_key1> | 8 | wkt_school.lu.userId | 15 | Using where |
| 1 | PRIMARY | lc | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 8 | lcur.classid | 1 | Using where |
| 1 | PRIMARY | wcu | ref | index_wkt_courseclassuser_courseId,index_wkt_courseclassuser_userId,index_wkt_courseclassuser_courseId_classId | index_wkt_courseclassuser_userId | 9 | wkt_school.lu.userId | 47 | Using where |
| 1 | PRIMARY | wc | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 8 | wkt_school.wcu.courseId | 1 | Using where |
| 2 | DERIVED | <derived3> | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 47204 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
| 3 | DERIVED | lxx_classuserrecord | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 47204 | Using where; Using filesort |




看到执行计划最后两行,都是需要Using filesort的。很明显是产生于

INNER JOIN (select t.* from (select * from lxx_classuserrecord WHERE classtypeid =1 ORDER BY CreateTime desc) t GROUP BY t.userid ) lcur ON lcur.userid = lu.userId

一行。因为INNER JOIN的是一个子查询的结果,上面不会有索引,而且这个子查询的结果集也有几万条,开始的直观感觉是慢在这里。结果优化了很久,也没什么效果。最后把这个关联条件也去掉了,发现查询时间还是跟原来差不多,因此问题不是在此。

PS:第一次没有看懂explain的结果。explain中的第三行从derived2的结果中,也就是id为2的那条派生表查询中,自动建立了一个auto_key1的索引,因此inner join上面那行子查询并不会很慢

东找西找,发现去掉ORDER BY wc.CreateTime DESC以后,就变得很快了。查看了一下wkt_course的索引,果然CreateTime没有索引。赶紧补一下
CREATE INDEX index_wkt_course_CreateTime ON wkt_course(CreateTime)


| 1 | PRIMARY | lr | ref | lxx_registerSchool_schoolId | lxx_registerSchool_schoolId | 9 | const | 1 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |


再静下来,仔细分析一下问题在哪里。mysql估计是先执行了连表查询,然后对这个结果集创建临时表,然后进行排序,最后在取出前100。用select count(*) 在去掉limit限制后数了一下,这个结果集有80多万条数据,怪不得排序很慢。这里总结出来一个经验,就是看explain首先要关注Using temporary,其次是Using filesort的问题。

要使ORDER BY的字段走索引,则需要让字段所在的表成为驱动表

最终的解决方案,在order by的字段建立索引,并且使用straight_join,强制指定wkt_course为驱动表
lu.photo userImage,
wc.typeId AS courseType,
wc.name AS courseName,
DATE_FORMAT(wcu.CreatedTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS time
wkt_course wc
straight_join wkt_courseclassuser wcu ON wcu.courseId = wc.id
INNER JOIN lxx_user lu ON wcu.userId = lu.userId
INNER JOIN lxx_registerschool lr on lr.schoolKey = lu.schoolKey
INNER JOIN (select t.* from (select * from lxx_classuserrecord WHERE classtypeid =1 ORDER BY CreateTime desc) t GROUP BY t.userid ) lcur ON lcur.userid = lu.userId
INNER JOIN lxx_class lc on lc.classId = lcur.classId
WHERE lr.schoolId = 60800000000000001
and wc.typeId in (1,2,3,23)
and lc.status = 1 and lc.typeId = 1
ORDER BY wc.CreateTime DESC
LIMIT 100;

mysql> explain SELECT
-> lu.userId,
-> lu.userName,
-> lu.photo userImage,
-> lu.sex,
-> wc.typeId AS courseType,
-> wc.name AS courseName,
-> lc.className,
-> DATE_FORMAT(wcu.CreatedTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS time
-> wkt_course wc
-> straight_join wkt_courseclassuser wcu ON wcu.courseId = wc.id
-> INNER JOIN lxx_user lu ON wcu.userId = lu.userId
-> INNER JOIN lxx_registerschool lr on lr.schoolKey = lu.schoolKey
-> INNER JOIN (select t.* from (select * from lxx_classuserrecord WHERE classtypeid =1 ORDER BY CreateTime desc) t GROUP BY t.userid ) lcur ON lcur.userid = lu.userId
-> INNER JOIN lxx_class lc on lc.classId = lcur.classId
-> WHERE lr.schoolId = 60800000000000001
-> and wc.typeId in (1,2,3,23)
-> and lc.status = 1 and lc.typeId = 1
-> ORDER BY wc.CreateTime DESC
-> LIMIT 100;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | wc | index | PRIMARY | index_wkt_course_CreateTime | 6 | NULL | 1 | Using where |
| 1 | PRIMARY | lr | ref | lxx_registerSchool_schoolId | lxx_registerSchool_schoolId | 9 | const | 1 | NULL |
| 1 | PRIMARY | wcu | ref | index_wkt_courseclassuser_courseId,index_wkt_courseclassuser_userId,index_wkt_courseclassuser_courseId_classId | index_wkt_courseclassuser_courseId | 9 | wkt_school.wc.id | 31 | Using where |
| 1 | PRIMARY | lu | eq_ref | PRIMARY,index_lxx_user_schoolKey | PRIMARY | 8 | wkt_school.wcu.userId | 1 | Using where |
| 1 | PRIMARY | <derived2> | ref | <auto_key1> | <auto_key1> | 8 | wkt_school.wcu.userId | 15 | Using where |
| 1 | PRIMARY | lc | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 8 | lcur.classid | 1 | Using where |
| 2 | DERIVED | <derived3> | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 36487 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
| 3 | DERIVED | lxx_classuserrecord | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 36487 | Using where; Using filesort |



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