

作者: 0e77ccc94dff | 来源:发表于2019-02-15 20:10 被阅读7次



    steide56(利物浦球迷):我还以为比赛要晚开始半小时呢,结果直接错过上半场了,看来切尔西也是记错开球时间了吧!(I missed the first half hour because I thought the game would start  half an hour later... appearently so did Chelsea.)

    Peacock10(利物浦球迷):让你们曼城不再夺冠,确实是一种奢求。(Now I believe no one can get in city’s way to trophy.)

    PakiIronman(狼队球迷):切尔西球员在场上睡得好香,就连冬眠的熊都对他们羡慕不已呢!(hibernating bears will be envious at how Chelsea fell asleep there.)

    emre23(利物浦球迷):埃弗顿是怎么做到对阵曼城超过5分钟还能不丢球的?(How is it that Everton can be capable of holding City out for more than 5 mins?)

    CaptainSkull22(切尔西球迷):要是我们退赛,是不是就能判0-3输了…(if we forfeit we lose 3-0 automatically right?)

    DatGuyGandhi(阿森纳球迷):我要是在玩FIFA的时候被虐成这样,那早就直接退出了,还是0-3更好受点…(This is the kinda game on FIFA where you'd straight up quit so you only lose 3-0 instead.)


    Nidriks(伯恩茅斯球迷):当对方的中后卫都来参与反击的时候,你就知道自己到底踢得有多烂了…(You know you're having a bad day when the opposition's CB is on for the counter-attack.)

    Sagittarius__A(切尔西球迷):那我们是有多烂,伯恩茅斯都虐了我们4个球…(We are so shit that bournemouth beat us 4-0.)


    Ericdryer(阿森纳球迷):看来哈镇不能射的毛病,终究是不如我厂不能零封的毛病严重啊!(Not even Huddersfield's inability to score is stronger than our inability to keep an away clean sheet.)

    Windowhihi(未知主队球迷):哈镇进个球实在太难了,你厂球员都忍不住去帮人家了!(When Huddersfield cannot score a goal, Arsenal scores for them.)

    MindingmyownMedals(伯恩茅斯球迷):科拉希纳茨凭借这个乌龙,成功跻身哈镇本赛季最佳射手之列!(kolasinac is one of the top goalscorers this season for Huddersfield with that one.)

    Narretz(德国球迷):阿森纳这后防还有没有条理,简直就是一片混沌!(Can somebody in Arsenal's defense please step up? It's pure chaos.)

    Tennyson(哈镇球迷):混乱是一把阶梯。(Chaos is a ladder.)


    Envague(曼联球迷):博格巴罚点球前就走了10步小碎步,看来索尔斯克亚对波霸的改造还在继续!(Only 10 steps on the run up, Ole's transformation of Pogba continues.)

    Preciouslarvabanjo(未知主队球迷):利物浦花了7500万买范戴克,而曼联只需要告诉斯莫林去留个范戴克发型,这样不就免费得到范戴克啦!(Liverpool spent 75m on Van Dijk. Manchester United just told Smalling to grow his hair and made their own free Van Dijk.)

    PaintedSe7en(曼联球迷):把这红魔注射到我的血管里!(Inject this United straight into my veins please.)

    Cloudprince(曼联球迷):那我可以吸一口你的血吗?(Once you OD let me drink your blood.)


    Simomii9(摩洛哥球迷):拉莫斯的头球是不是给马竞球员带来创伤综合征了?5个人都去防拉莫斯了,结果放卡塞米罗轻松去射门…(I love how a Ramos headers triggers PTSD in Atleti players that 5 players surround him and they left Casemiro to score.)

    Rexxigg(巴萨球迷):看到马竞竟然也能被对手用定位球得分,感觉有点怪怪的…(Something about seeing Atletico conceding from set-pieces is so weird.)

    HEELinKayfabe(皇马球迷):二月来了,皇马终于意识到自己还有个欧冠奖杯要去争取了!(It's February, Real Madrid have awoken and they have a Champions League to win.)

    l33tnoscopes(印度球迷):只让贝尔踢30分钟球,真的是天才的决定啊,这样贝尔就不会老是受伤啦!(Playing Bale 30 mins a game could be a genius move, can make an impact and not jeopardise his fitness.)


    Thugging_inPublic(巴萨球迷):好在今天还有曼城的比赛能让我乐呵一下…(Well at least the City game was able to entertain us today.)

    JoelKr9(巴萨球迷):我们的进攻就是灾难,毫无系统和深度,只知道给传球给梅西然后再祈祷进球…(Our offense is a total disaster. No system, no width, just giving Messi the ball and then praying.)


    DaLilGorilla(皇马球迷):绝代双骄正式进入了马尔科姆和巴斯克斯的时代!(We really are in the Malcom and Vazquez era.)

    v_TRIGGERED (未知主队球迷):本赛季国家德比进球:C罗0球,梅西0球,巴斯克斯1球,所以巴斯克斯才是史上最佳!(Goals in El Clasico this season Ronaldo: 0 Messi: 0 Lord Vasquez: 1. Vasquez = goat.)

    ErnestJones(皇马球迷):皇马这客场进球有点少啊,毕竟回到伯纳乌可就不知道输几个了…(it’s awkward we didn’t make enough goals as we will face a slaughter in Bernabeu)

    Xncopka(未知主队球迷):有意思的是,两队场上身价最高的球员都是表现最差的球员…(It's funny that the most expensive player of each team are the worst of their team…)




