Pending=uncertainty plus worries. Settled=firm result plu...
今晨,北京应该起风了吧,初冬的重阳,添点阳光,挺好。周末,新加坡依旧艳阳、晴空、无云,略带微风。 桌边...
title: settled withdate: 2019-03-06 11:13:52NO_sents: 5NO...
Context The story of AIC was created in 1946 and settled ...
They settled their dispute through arbitration. The compa...
A plan for a trip in the province was settled weeks earli...
The effects of a bulk addition or omission can be settled...
"Are you settling down?" "Has settled down, are you?" "No...
In the end of May 2003, I arrived Auckland and settled in...
本文标题:Finally Settled