拒绝外来一切援助 只靠自己 你坐过晚上最晚的末班车吗 你吃过最冷最硬的剩饭吗 你知道谁能帮你在困境中解围吗 除了你自己没有别人 孤独乃人生常态 继续走吧 深夜独自流过的眼泪会让你明白人生最重要的是什么 又一次莫名流泪 那种没有缘由的落泪 讨厌这样的自己
When I know the phrase "nothing for nothing" from a book,...
nothing is just nothing~
Nothing crave nothing have
Nothing to hide,nothing to fear.
There is nothing wrong in being alone , there is nothing ...
if you change nothing,nothing will bE changed.
Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as ...
There is nothing I couldn't give you, there is nothing I ...
Nothing is too small to know, and nothing is too big to a...