2018-04-10 EOS GO

2018-04-10 EOS GO

作者: 昊无边 | 来源:发表于2018-04-10 15:22 被阅读0次

    Made a map of Block Producers(organizations) locations






    Basic Question Regarding B2B EOS Applications


    Is it possible to be an open source business application on EOS and still cover your costs and reward Entrepreneurial risk?

    In cryptoland, the way to cover your costs and reward your Entrepreneurial risk, it seems, is to issue your own token and use it as an access token to your application. The access token creates scarcity upon which you can build the economics of your business.

    Answer: I would say that the token is a representation of value in a system, simple scarcity is not enough

    If your code is opensource, there is a risk that some developer can simply remove the requirement for an access token and re-launch it as a completely free application with no scarcity. That's great for users, except there's no mechanism for rewarding entrepreneurs.

    Answer: It would mean having to maintain a fork which is not straightforward in itself. In addition to this, you have removed all motivation from the system to make it better and support it. There is a lot more to a business than just the code.

    For applications that rely on communities, the risk of re-launching the application as a free version is mitigated by the network effect. The application isn't valuable without a community around it.

    All the big examples of block-chain based applications do indeed rely on communities: SteemIt, Bitshares, Everpedia.

    But with B2B applications, the value is the application itself. Their value doesn't rely on the existence of a community. So what's an entrepreneur to do?

    Answer: I think that most successful dapps will have to build a community around them who are prepared to contribute to it's success. If you are thinking about an enterprise app then the community may be both your customers but also independent contractors who are working on the software and improving it and providing consulting services.

    Anyone interested in the success of the project vision should be fairly rewarded based on their risk. In the early days of a DAC the launch team are rewarded the most because they contribute the most value, but they cannot expect to keep receiving extra reward if they do not contribute.

    Unless I'm missing something obvious, which is quite possible, the solution is to make important parts of the application not open source, thus ensuring that no one can remove your application's scarcity, and re-release it as freeware.

    Is this right? Comments welcome.



    EOS Chinese Community News April 10, 2018

    1.Eos DAC将于北京时间4月15日9点拍摄eos代币快照。 75%的eosDAC令牌将分发给EOS令牌持有者,并且每个EOS令牌都会有一个eosDAC令牌。

    2. EOS BIXIN团队正式宣布Cannon Sharing Group将参与EOS块生产商的活动。

    3.作为eos节点候选人之一的王团长表示,他担心小团科技最大的缺陷就是缺乏优秀技术团队。 他迫切希望精通eos节点操作和维护的技术个人和团队加入。

    4. EOS.CYBEX社区将推出世界上第一款具有指纹识别功能的EOS硬件冷钱包,目前处于测试阶段。


    EOS Telegram Summary 4/8/18 - Sunday, Funday with Dan





          本文标题:2018-04-10 EOS GO
