Swift私有库步骤和OC私有库一样, pod lib create xxxx
初始化时允许 include a demo application
建立Example工程。我这边podspec文件里依赖了 SnapKit
,并 pod install
s.dependency 'SnapKit', '~> 4.0.0'
然而 pod lib lint
出现podspec验证不通过。这里的23个error都是跟 SnapKit
- WARN | [DCCJAlertLoadingLib/DCCJAlert,DCCJAlertLoadingLib/DCCJLoading] swift: The validator used Swift 3.2 by default because no Swift version was specified. To specify a Swift version during validation, add the `swift_version` attribute in your podspec. Note that usage of the `--swift-version` parameter or a `.swift-version` file is now deprecated.
- ERROR | [DCCJAlertLoadingLib/DCCJAlert,DCCJAlertLoadingLib/DCCJLoading] xcodebuild: SnapKit/Source/ConstraintViewDSL.swift:86:63: error: argument labels '(rawValue:)' do not match any available overloads
- NOTE | [DCCJAlertLoadingLib/DCCJAlert,DCCJAlertLoadingLib/DCCJLoading] xcodebuild: SnapKit/Source/ConstraintViewDSL.swift:
86:63: note: overloads for 'LayoutPriority' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (_bits: FPIEEE32), (from: Decoder), (S), (bitPattern: UInt32), (floatLiteral: Float), (_builtinIntegerLiteral: Int2048), (integerLiteral: Int64),(_builtinFloatLiteral: FPIEEE80), (exactly: T), (UInt8), (exactly: UInt8), (Int8), (exactly: Int8), (UInt16), (exactly: UInt16), (Int16), (exactly: Int16), (UInt32), (exactly: UInt32), (Int32), (exactly: Int32), (UInt64), (exactly: UInt64),(Int64), (exactly: Int64), (UInt), (exactly: UInt), (Int), (exactly: Int), (Float), (exactly: Float), (Double), (exactly: Double), (Float80), (exactly: Float80), (CGFloat), (NSNumber), (truncating: NSNumber), (exactly: NSNumber)
[!] DCCJAlertLoadingLib did not pass validation, due to 23 errors and 1 warning.
You can use the `--no-clean` option to inspect any issue.
的swift版本不匹配,同时warning里面也可以看到,需要使用 .swift-version
1. cd进入Example的上层文件目录
2.创建 .swift-version
touch .swift-version
echo "4.1" > .swift-version
cat .swift-version
这个时候再pod lib lint
- ERROR | [DCCJAlertLoadingLib/DCCJAlert] xcodebuild: /Users/tangyuan/Desktop/617/work/项目/永达/私有库/
DCCJAlertLoadingLib/DCCJAlertLoadingLib/Classes/DCCJAlert/CustomeAlertViewController.swift:337:13: error: value of
type 'UIButton' has no member 'snp'
[!] DCCJAlertLoadingLib did not pass validation, due to 23 errors and 1 warning.
You can use the `--no-clean` option to inspect any issue.
这里报错就是SnapKit没有正确引入,只要cd Example
进入工程,pod install
后退到上层目录pod lib lint --allow-warnings
总结: 建立swift版本私有库时,一定不要忘记添加.swift-version