21.Penny's bag.

21.Penny's bag.

作者: 张无忌_ | 来源:发表于2016-06-07 12:45 被阅读59次


    cheese 奶酪

    bread  面包

    soap 肥皂   soup 汤

    sugar 白砂糖  candy 糖果 ,  sugar coat  委婉  , Can you sugar coat a little?

    coffee 咖啡

    tea 茶

    tobacco  烟草  cigarette 香烟

    bird 鸟

    any  一些

    some  一些   

    1.后面都可以添加复数名词复数或者不可数名词,一些  some用于肯定句中,any用于否定 疑问句中;

    2. 在表请求  建议  的疑问句中使用some  , Can you lend my some money?

    3. some  any+ 但名词  some翻译为 "某一" , any翻译为 "任一"

    Some day,he can be some one.

    You can buy it in any supermarket.

    2. 课文讲解

    Not very  不是非常

    It is not very heavy.

    What's in/on/behid it.


    a piece of ...  一片

    a loaf of ...  一个  ,一条的

    a bottle of ... 一瓶

    a bar of  一条, 一块的

    a tin of  一罐

    pound 英镑   one pound / two pounds

    penny  便士   one penny / two pence  / fifty pence

    dollar 美元   one dollar / two dollars

    cent 美分  one cent / two cents / fifty cents

    重量  one pound = 0.454 公斤    

    half a pound of  半磅

    a quarter of a pound of

    3. 语法讲解

    名词 ->  人  物  事儿

    1. 冠词 + 名词    一定要用在名词的前面

    2. 名词所有格 ’s / of

    3. 单 & 复数

    4. 可数 & 不可数


    1.不可以数的 ,不可以计算的名词

    2. 包括

    a.液体妆的东西  water / tear / coffee / milk / beer...

    b. 物质名词 soap/ bread/ rice/ tobacco

    c. 抽象名词 lovely  / work / homework

    3. 用法

    a.前面不能加   one , two , stree

    b.不能加 a 、an

    c.后面不能加s ,永远是单数

    a water / some milks  / the beer

    4. 与量词的搭配

    a spice of bread / a loaf of bread / a bar of soap / a pound of / a tin of cola / a spoon of sugar

    There is some bread on the table.

    I am thirsty, Would you bring me some tea, please?

    There are two bars of soap in row bathroom.




    a.Euro: 欧元

    b.dollar :美元

    c.pound 英镑


    threes pounds

    five dollars

    seven euro

    ninety pence

    thirty cents

    ten fifty pounds



          本文标题:21.Penny's bag.
