英语学习笔记 Ravenously Hungary

英语学习笔记 Ravenously Hungary

作者: Bluce学英语 | 来源:发表于2017-08-10 21:02 被阅读0次

    ✸✸ VISIT any culinary establishment in Budapest and some of the reasons why Hungary is the most obese country in Europe will soon become clear. In the coffee houses, you’ll see dobostorta, a five-layer chocolate buttercream concoction topped with glazed caramel; somloi galuska, a chocolate and rum sponge cake; and gesztenyepure, a chestnut purée served with whipped cream. In markets you can buy slabs of fried dough covered in cheese, bread served with goose fat and lumps of lard and, of course, lashings of goulash.

    1) culinary 英 [ˈkʌlɪnəri] 美 [ˈkʌlɪneri] adj.厨房的,烹饪的;烹调用的

    She was keen to acquire more advanced culinary skills


    2) concoction 英 [kənˈkɒkʃn] 美 [kənˈkɑ:kʃn] n.混合;调合;调合物

    She enjoyed the concoction of foreign dishes.


    3) rum 英 [rʌm] 美 [rʌm] n.朗姆酒 adj.古怪的,奇特的;难对付的;蹩脚的

    It was a joke, of course, but surely a rum sort of joke?


    4) lashings 英 ['læʃɪŋz] 美 ['læʃɪŋz] n.大量;许多;<主英口>很多,大量;鞭打( lashing的名词复数 );痛斥

    We made a tour of the yacht, checking lashings and emergency gear.


    5) lump of clay 木头人,死板的人;肉身;泥土之身(对人体的蔑称,源自《圣经》)

    The potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape.


    ✸✸ According to new data released by the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, almost two-thirds of Hungarians are overweight and nearly a third are obese. Hungarians eat fewer vegetables than most people in the rich world and more salt than any other EU state. Educated Hungarian men are at least as likely to be overweight as their unschooled male compatriots. Uneducated Hungarian women are 60% likelier to be obese than educated women; in slim Italy uneducated women are three times more likely to be obese. Hungarians’ life expectancy is five years below the EU average: 76.

    ✸✸ In 2011Viktor Orban, the prime minister, declared that those who “live unhealthily” would have to pay more tax. That year his government, led by the populist Fidesz party, introduced one of the broadest levies on unhealthy foods in the world. Dubbed the “chips tax” it applies to sugar, salt, fat, booze and energy drinks. The rate changes depending on the type of food: the tax adds 250 forints ($0.91) to the cost of a litre of energy drink, for instance, and 500 forints to the cost of a kilogram of jam.

    1) levy on 英 [ˈli:vi ɔn] 美 [ˈlɛvi ɑn] 向某人征收(税款等);<正>依法扣押(物品等)

    Most people think of corporation tax as a levy on capital.


    2) depending on 依据,根据

    I tend to have a different answer, depending on the family


    ✸✸ The policy has had some success. One review showed that 40% of manufacturers tweaked their recipes to use fewer unhealthy ingredients. Another study found that consumers shifted to cheaper, often healthier products. Three years after the tax was introduced, the consumption of sugary drinks had fallen by a tenth, says Michele Cecchini, an analyst at the OECD. By 2015 the tax had generated 61.3bn forints to help cover the cost of public health care.

    1) tweak 英 [twi:k] 美 [twik] n.捏;拧;扭;苦恼 vt.稍稍调整(机器、系统等)

    He tweaked Guy's ear roughly


    2) shift to 英 [ʃift tu:] 美 [ʃɪft tu] 转入

    They see the shift to the right as a worldwide phenomenon.


    短语:shift to an earlier date 提前

    shift to an earlier time 提早

    shift to the left 英 [ʃift tu: ðə left] 美 [ʃɪft tu ði lɛft] 白细胞左移,左移

    And his choices are reassuring, especially for those who feared a shift to the left.


    ✸✸ Other European countries are also attempting to trim waistlines by performing pays liposuction. In 2011Denmark introduced a tax on saturated fats. Just15 months later, however, as prices rose and Danes began popping over to Germany or Sweden to load up on lard, the policy was abandoned. In 2018 Britain (the second most obese country in Europe) will introduce a sugar tax that is expected to add 8p to a 70p can of Coke. Spain and Estonia have announced similar plans. Hungary’s example may tip the scales in Europe’s fight against fat. Hold the dumplings and pass the cucumber salad.

    1) attempt to 英 [əˈtempt tu:] 美 [əˈtɛmpt tu] 尝试,企图;试图做某事

    He made no attempt to conceal his dislike of me


    2) trim 英 [trɪm] 美 [trɪm] vt.装饰;修剪;整理 adj.整齐的,整洁的;修长的;苗条的 n.修剪;整齐;健康状态;装束 vi.削减

    The neighbours 'gardens were trim and neat.


    短语 :trim off 英 [trim ɔf] 美 [trɪm ɔf] 修剪

    Trim off the excess pastry using a sharp knife


    trim up 修整;把 … 打扮得整整齐齐

    Just trim it up a bit.


    trim in 英 [trim in] 美 [trɪm ɪn] 把(木板等)整齐嵌入[镶入]

    With minimum-wage income, he finds little fat to trim in his budget.


    3) pop over 英 [pɔp ˈəuvə] 美 [pɑp ˈovɚ] <口>(到…)去一下,作短暂的访问

    I'll pop over and see you this evening.




          本文标题:英语学习笔记 Ravenously Hungary
