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DeviceBit Energy Monitoring Plat

DeviceBit Energy Monitoring Plat

作者: 乐为物联 | 来源:发表于2017-07-03 14:48 被阅读0次

Label:Power Meter Project

Prospect: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions through our common efforts.


Many years ago, Google had put forward a point of view that just by focusing on energy consumption, you can save a lot of energy without any impact to your life. For companies with large electricity consumption, saving a few percent of the energy means saving a lot of money. For families, perhaps the saving cost of a few dollars per month may not be large. However, if more people pay attention to power consumption, the cumulative energy savings will not be a small figure, which is very meaningful to gas emission reduction.
The powermeter project of Goole had ceased. However, we consider this idea is great, so we lauch this platform now.


  • Providing energy monitor & analysis
  • Centralized monitoring mode based on GIS
  • Wechat, SMS or Email Alerts; Energy consumption report
  • Consumption Behavior analysis based on deep learning (under development)
  • Do not specify the meter and upload devices, support any standard modbus RTU meter
  • Providing API interface; the platform can be used as middleware.

Energy consumption platform:pm.lewei50.com,Click on Demo can login to the simulationg system.

Platform login page

Centralized monitoring page

Centralized monitoring page

On this platform, the meter register address can be customized, supporting all kinds of meter access.

Support customized meter access

How to access the platform

Access to the platform requires the following two steps

  1. Prepare the hardware (modbus RTU meter, DTU that supports the register packet)
  2. Get licensed SN of DeviceBit


Modbus Meter

Any meter which sopports Modbus RTU protocol can access our platform. Both three-phase meter and single-phase meter are sopported. The main parameters collected by our platform are as following: voltage, current, active power, power consumption, power feed (optional). By customizing the register address of corresponding parameter, the configuration of this meter can be completed.


All kinds or DTU which support register packet can be used as access devices, such as URS730S. Or this open source DTU DIY open sourceGPRS DTU.
register packet: Send once on power; the content is SN (Please refer to the following section to see how to ge SN.)
baudrate:set baudrate according to the meter parameters

Get lisences SN

The access devices link the meters and our platform by lisenced SN. The methods to ge SN are as following:

Personal users or nonprofit organizations

Please send emails to designated email address to apply for SN for free according to instructions while registering your own accounts.


Please purchase SN charged by annual service fee. Please refer to commercial offers for specific price.

Hardware Kits

The mode of common meter+ common DTU is supported by our platform. However, in order to allow more people to use easily, we also provide a small amount of hardware kits which can be used directly.

WIFI Uplink Power Meter Kit

wifi uplink,carrier wave reading kit,for details please refer to Carrier wave reading kit

WiFi power meter kit

TB: select 1 power meter+wifi uplink meter reader

GPRS Uplink Power Meter Kit

GPRS upling,485 reading meter kit

GRPS power meter kit
TB:select 1 power meter+GPRS uplink meter reader

DeviceBit Power Meter Project
DeviceBit Product-Energy Consumption-Carrier Sigle-phase Meter Kit
DeviceBit DTU Tutorial 4:DIY low cost DeviceBit GPRS DTU



    本文标题:DeviceBit Energy Monitoring Plat
