PART 1 Expressions
1. All my hopes built on magic cancer disappear into the ether.
the ether: [ˈi:θə(r)] 太空
disappear into the ether: disappear completely
2. I had a terrible premonition that at the end of this -- once every stone is upturned and every drug tried -- my family will have nothing left.
premonition:[ˌpri:məˈnɪʃn] a feeling that sth is going to happen, especially sth unpleasant (尤指不详的)预感
a premonition of disaster
He had a premonition that he would never see her again.
premonitory: (a.) eg. premonitory symptoms of the disease
3. Carol helped me get into my sleep costume for the Christmas pageant year after year.
pageant: [ˈpædʒənt] (n.) 穿古代衣服的游行;华丽盛大的场景
a beauty pageant: 选美比赛

4. I couldn't figure out what to say when we pulled away and I found I was just staring into her smiling face, stammering something about how sorry I was.
stammer: (v.)/(n.) 口吃;结结巴巴地说
"W-w-what?" he stammered.
Jeff spoke with a slight stammer.
stammer sth (out)
She was barely able to stammer out a description of her attacker.
5. It was only partway through the service that I began to hope that that Christmas feeling would sink in as the night gathered and the music slowed.
partway: (ad.) informal, for some of the distance or after some of the time has passed
I got the buss partway.
partway through/ along/ down sth
She left partway through the two-year contract.
6. The wind is at your back.
"wind at your back"来源于方帆时代的航船谚语,当风从船尾吹过来时,帆船就能向前行进。
It's also an Irish blessing:
May the roads rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sunshine warm you face,
May the rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
7. Her sunny-side-up Facebook posts brimming with positivity and gently ironic updates.
brim: (n.)边缘
be filled/ full to the brim: completely full
The cup was filled to the brim with coffee.
brim with tears: (v.) 热泪盈眶
Her eyes brimmed with tears.
be brimming (over) with sth: to have a lot of particular thing, quality, or emotion
He seemed to be brimming with confidence.
Rob was just brimming with enthusiasm.
PART 2 Thoughts