

作者: 新洲际教育 | 来源:发表于2017-09-18 17:19 被阅读0次

Holi is one of the major festivals of India. It's a festival of colors, celebrated in the late February or early March every year to mark the end of winter and thebeginning of the spring season.


Holi is spread out over two days. On the first day, a public bonfire is held to be in memory of the burning of Holika. The story behind it is like this. There was a cruel king named Hiranyakashipu who ordered everybody to worship him but not God. However, his little son Prahlad refused to do so and continued to worship Lord Vishnu, the Indian God. The king tried many times to kill Prahlad but Lord Vishnu saved him every time. One of the sisters of the king named Holika had powers to walk through fire without being harmed. Thus he ordered her to kill Prahlad by walking through the fire with him. However, Lord Vishnu came to his help and Prahlad was saved while Holika perished. Somehow, she didn't know that her powers were only effective when she entered the fire alone.

胡里节共有两天。在第一天,举行篝火会纪念 Holika 焚烧事件。背后的故事是这样的。有一位残忍的国王叫 Hiranyakashipu,他要求所有人都崇拜他而不是崇拜神。但是,他的小儿子Prahlad拒绝这样做并继续崇拜印度的神 Lord Vishnu。国王曾多次试图杀死 Prahlad 但Lord Vishnu 每次都救了他。国王有位妹妹叫 Holika,她拥有在火中不受伤害的能力。因此,国王命令她与 Prahlad 一起走入大火中,企图去杀死 Prahlad。但是 Lord Vishnu 救了Prahlad,而 Holika 死了。不知道因什么原因,她不知道她的能力只有在独自走入火中时才起作用。


For bonfires, children search the neighborhood for waste wood. At night they pile up the wood and light fire in it.


The second day is marked with feasting, singing and dancing. On this day, people with colored faces come on the streets and dance to the drum beats and shout "Holi Hai" . Everybody from kids to adults play with colors and water. They spray friends and family with colored powders and water. Friends and family members exchange sweets and greet each other with the warm wishes of Holi. Holi is a festival which bridges social gaps and brings people together.

到了第二天,有宴会、唱歌和舞会。在这一天,人们都在脸上涂抹彩色粉末并到街上跳舞和击鼓,喊着"Holi Hai"。从小孩到大人,每一个人都泼洒五颜六色的粉末和水。他们用彩色的粉末和水泼向他们的朋友和家人。朋友和家庭成员相互交换糖果和问候祝福对方。胡里节是社会间隔的桥梁,能让人们相聚团结在一起。




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