18-11-12 极品课 笔记

18-11-12 极品课 笔记

作者: Zeroun_Ph | 来源:发表于2018-11-13 23:42 被阅读6次


    Have you ever compared yourself to others?

    Section 1

    main idea: 主旨句经常出现的地方就是段首

    internal critic 批评家,批判者negative

    put sb. down 贬低,贬损 let sb. down 让某人失望



    1. select domain = field as if 就好像 domain(aspect)是just like

    a single arbitrary 没有经过谨慎思考的,随意的,武断的

    appearance/performance/status quo/wealth

    2.binary system/thinking 二进制不是零就是一,大脑对于自己的判定,自己不是winner就是loser

    3.contract 把自己放到不利情况

    4.push yourself further

    target-someone truly stellar

    bridge n. 桥 v.搭配gap 表示差距缩短,bridgethe gap

    Education can bridge the gap between richand poor.

    unbridgeable 无法逾越的,无法弥补的

    用差距来 as evidence as fundamental as life 患得患失

    feel demotivated 没有动力

    大脑中how it functions?

    非常重要的一点:你看到的永远是你看到的,you always behind the scene

    恶性循环veshers circle

    certainly 语气是体谅的,不能指责can’t be

    accused of[也不能怪他们] making things too easy for themselves不能怪她们让自己好受一点


    既然每个人都知道心底有internal critic,没有东西是非黑即白的,always look like a both of coins

    Too much of anything can be a bad thing 适得其反


    Section 2

    人在年轻时候,too young, too naïve

    We are not individual 个性化,人小的时候,个人特性不明显not unique/not special

    一个人的决策特别明智,知道的东西特别多 informed person/make an informed decision 搭配决策最好用informed

    have not had 还没有,对前一句进一步解释


    没有足够的时间,足够的智慧,有自己的standards – value/word view

    in consequence – as a result

    要有internal critic

    formative years 起到塑造性影响的年华

    by contrast 与之相反

    美国对于personal space特别在乎,没有碰到也道歉

    comparable 可比的


    Section 3

    1.infant—— individual

    informed dependency 最高值的时候

    2.child-toddler 刚会走路的小孩———去幼儿园,开始social了,leave their parents 幼儿园为什么重要?幼儿园可以make friends,give up a little of himself 放弃一点自己,gains much in

    return 收获很多,develop your standards


    sense,不能再瞎搞了,become like everyone else = fit in 按照别人的rules,misfit 经常被欺凌,嘲笑。一旦融入集体里,经济没独立,你也脱离了父母的。成年住在父母家,loser。学校交朋友很重要,transcend dependency 超越对父母的依赖。the right amount different from everyone else 适者生存,需要play

    by the rules,西方文化鼓励和别人不一样,我们国鼓励和别人一样,too right。没有找到right amount,太想融入集体,随波逐流,返回了幼儿时期infant了。既不随波逐流,又让自己的才华找到market,自己成长,这就是right amount.


    Section 4

    temporarily = get past

    intimate problem 情感问题psychological 心理问题

    embed 嵌入……之中

    works for you 对你来说行得通

    interplay 相互关联

    想在领域做到极致,必须要牺牲一些——健康、睡眠、家人、美满幸福other specifics of your life

    trade of


    Section 5

    行动迟缓无力。不管做什么事,只要觉得demotivated 没有动力,永远记得aim small

    人性不可能所有才华兼具:自我感动,欺骗自己,考的比练的多,容易抱怨。容易为琐事所累。还会推卸责任。所以你在设立目标的时候,by the end of the day,I want things in my life to be a tiny bit better than they were this

    morning. 每天进步一点点。

    could do/would do 能做/愿意做不一样

    Step 1: what is it that’s bothering me? 我现在特烦的是什么事儿?

    Step 2: is that something I could fix? 这个事我能不能解决?太胖了-管住嘴放开腿。太矮了-高跟鞋。

    Step 3: Would I actually by willing to fix

    it? 那我愿不愿意这么去做?-不愿意。

    如果三个步骤里有任何一个你回答不,let it go.



          本文标题:18-11-12 极品课 笔记
