There are many kinds of sorting methods when the computer manipulates data.So today I bring one of them, it called quicksort. I write the codes based on C.
Algorithm thoughts: This is the link of quicksort ,you can take this for reference.
#include <stdio.h>
int a[101];//define the global variable,it will be used at the subfuctions
//this is the quicksort fuction
void quicksort(int left,int right)
int i,j,t,temp;//the variable of temp is used to storage the 'guard'
if(left > right)
temp = a[left];
i = left;
j = right;
while(i != j)
{ //the sequence is vital,so need to search from the right to the left
while(a[j] >= temp && i < j)
//from the left to the right
while(a[i] <= temp && i < j)
//exchange the position of the two numbers in the array
if(i < j)//execute this when the guard i and j haven't encountered together
t = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = t;
//finally, return the guard to the position
a[left] = a[i];
a[i] = temp;
quicksort(left,i-1);//go on doing the left part,this is a recursion
quicksort(i+1,right);//go on doing the right part
int main()
{ int n,i; //input the data you need
for(i = 1;i <= n;i++)
scanf("%d",&a[i]) ;
quicksort(1,n);//call the quicksort
//print out the result of being sequent
for(i = 1; i <= n;i++)
printf("%d ",a[i]);
return 0;
This is another way to realize it.Just given the codes.
codes 2:
#include <stdio.h>
void print(int * ,int);
void QuickSort(int * ,int,int);
int FindPos(int*,int low,int high);
int main()
int a[6] = {2,5,9,3,5,4};
return 0;
void print(int * a,int len)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < len;i++)
printf("%d ",a[i]);
void QuickSort(int * a,int low,int high)
int pos;
if(low < high)
pos = FindPos(a,low,high);
//the FindPos function is used to find the position the right position for the gurad
int FindPos(int* a,int low,int high)
int val = a[low];
while(low < high)
while(low < high && a[high] >= val)//the condition of moving variable
a[low] = a[high];
while(low < high && a[low] <= val)//from the left side to move
a[high] = a[low];
a[low] = val;//the position of the guard has already been found ,
//give the value of the position with the value of the gurad
return low;//return the coordinate of the guard
You can leave me a message if you find out anything incorrect in my diary, I'll correct it, thanks.