【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171218 #1

【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171218 #1

作者: MurphyWan | 来源:发表于2017-12-31 22:45 被阅读0次

    欢迎关注【M实事摘要】,这是一则立足中国放眼全球的AI和无人驾驶汽车(SDC)的实事简报(Newsletter)。每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

    1) Autonomous Vehicles Pose New Challenges to Future of Cybersecurity

    A decade ago, the idea of hacking a car seemed about as feasible as downloading one. After all, cars were physical objects driven by people, with all their accompanying human flaws. Today, as artificial intelligence (AI) technology is making a future full of self-driving cars increasingly likely, hacking has ...

    2) Driving Ahead: General Motors Takes A Leap Into An Electric Future

    Forbes Middle East
    To get around the lack of charging stations—especially in the Middle East— GM is testing its next generation electric car model, which runs on hydrogen fuel cells that constantly recharge batteries. The SURUS, still in the testing phase, will also eliminate harmful emissions, run on autonomous operation, ...

    3) Honk if You Don't Have a Human Driver Onboard

    The company has also come up with a novel means for its autonomous cars to audibly communicate with other drivers and pedestrians. "One of the ways we had our cars signal to human-driven vehicles nearby that the car is annoyed with their behavior was to actually play the sound of angry R2-D2 ...

    4) Neural nets, SLAM, and gravitational...

    Neural nets, SLAM, and gravitational physics - these are just some of the technologies behind immersive experiences on Facebook, from state-of-the-art...

    5) 蔚来ES8上市,44.8万带辅助驾驶系统NIO Pilot

    Leiphone (博客)
    双方此次合作,京东将从店面补货、仓储物流、技术解决方案输出等方面为中海地产提供支持,未来还可能将京东到家的众包物流能力对外输出。而中海地产所拥有的住宅、写字楼等地产和物业资源,将成为京东无人超市的重要入驻场景。 此外,双方还将在智慧城市样本园区内,合作开发全球物流云中心、无人仓、无 ...

    6) PIX's modular self-driving car disrupts mobility with its unique way of manufacturing

    PIX is not just a self-driving car, it is an intelligent terminal powered by new way of manufacturing. control system, electric power platform and cabin structure — the modular design enables PIX to modify freely for different uses such as a shuttle vehicle, unattended vending car, and an autonomous ...

    7) Regina city council notes: Councillors to imagine city of self-driving cars

    Regina Leader-Post
    A city councillor thinks Regina should brace itself for a future of self-driving cars, and he's bringing his vision to Monday's council meeting. Coun. Mike O'Donnell says Regina is “lagging” on embracing the technology. He's proposing a motion to get city administration to study how autonomous, connected ...

    8) Tech: a dilemma for your car's AI — who lives and who dies

    The Times
    Or that's what they want in other people's cars. In their own, they want AI that always puts them first. What should car makers do? No one knows — which seems to support Hawking's scepticism about philosophy. But its value lies in warning the cheerleaders for AI that such problems exist — and that not ...

    9) Will AI Take Over The World

    The year is 2035 and humanoid robots, powered by Artificial Intelligence, are part of everyday life. Detective Del Spooner hates robots because he was in a car accident and a robot pulled him to safety while leaving a 12-year-old girl to die – because the odds of her living were statistically lower than ...

    10) Tech: a dilemma for your car's AI — who lives and who dies

    The Times
    When the world's most famous scientist delivers his thoughts on the future of humanity, he makes headlines. Stephen Hawking certainly did that last month when he warned the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) could bring about the “worst event in the history of our civilisation”. Hawking also said, however, ...

    北京时间17/12/18 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】



        本文标题:【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171218 #1
