2022-04-29 Know what you want

2022-04-29 Know what you want

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2022-04-30 16:30 被阅读0次

To feel satisfied in life, you need to be aware of your destination. Purpose drives your happiness.

  • Do you want a financially independent life?
  • Do you want to surround yourself with healthy relationships?
  • Do you want a six-pack and a wardrobe full of crop tops?

The difficulty that many people struggle with is that they don’t know what they want.

It doesn’t have to be as specific as: “I want to be a journalist, working for job with a steady income”. The goal can be a feeling — the end state you want to achieve when living your dream life, career, relationship status etc.

Knowing how you want to feel is enough to move in the right direction:

  • ‘I want to feel at peace and satisfied with my career.’
  • ‘I want to feel confident in my own body.’
  • ‘I want to feel excited about going to work.’

Your job is to place an order on what you want and tune into the desired feeling state. Your intuition, the right timing, the Universe, whatever you like to call it, will cooperate with your willingness and clarity.

You need to be willing to move towards your goals every day.

You need to have clarity on where you are going.


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      本文标题:2022-04-29 Know what you want
