There are some dreams that I know are unattainable at present. But if I don't think about it at all, if I don't strive for it, if I don't dream about it, it will never come true. I've known more than before. I've had more experience. I've become more complex and multifaceted. So what? Did I see what I have lost?
I've lost myself for being so addictive to so-called success. I‘ve lost myself for being always accommodating to the outside world without asking what I truly want. I've lost myself for not believing something essential, such as love, kindness and integrity.
Fortunately, at least I figured out something. Don't, don't make decisions with your ass. 说到底还是怕自己后悔呗,说到底还是不相信呗,还是不够坚定呗。害,我不逼自己了,我知道我再怎么逼自己也没用,真的。
我以前搞不懂顺其自然,命中注定和发挥主观能动性的关系,现在能弄懂一点了,habit is second nature. 脑袋里面一团浆糊,慢慢理清,慢慢输入,慢慢输出,相信习惯的力量。