A day in the life

A day in the life

作者: 月夜电波 | 来源:发表于2018-09-20 18:13 被阅读0次

Today is mainly about Deixis.

First the teacher give us a review of what we have learnt before.

顺应论 adaptation

the basic idea  about adaptation is that  language use is a process of making choices.
the process happens between the linguitics perspective and context. so it give great emphasis to context, language structure, stradgeties of making choices, and the 处理的特征和机制。


Deixis is the function that language and context are grammarlized and encoded .Foe example, the function of pronoun, tense, utterance, spatial and temporal words.

How does language inference the context?

deictic center

For example, Egocen'tricity, Deictic projection.

Egocentricity 自我中心论

it take the time, space ,social status ,discourse context of the speaker as the center.

For example, the joke about a professor. He send a note written "bring your slippers with the boy" to his wife rather than a note "bring my slippers with the boy". this is because he take the addressee as the egocenter. Thus, the joke is created.

Deictic projection指示投射(shift  from the producer to sbelse)

for example, there are two sentences namely

I'll come to your house.(YOU as the center)  I'll go to your house.(I as the center).

marked deictic center(there is a shift). it can happen both in the linguitics aspect and context.

Marked Deictics can be used in the literature to analyze the point of view shift.

Usages of Deictic Exophoric reference

deictic usage of deictic

gestural and symbolic usage which respectively talk about the relation between the entity outside the discourse and the words/shared common knowdge in a context.

non-deictic usage of deictic Endophoric reference

anaphoric and non-anaphoric usages. the difference is laid in the existence of  relation between deictic term and antecedant.


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      本文标题:A day in the life
