

作者: 慈海2018 | 来源:发表于2019-02-21 16:57 被阅读7次



零和游戏是指在严格竞争当中, 一方的收益必然意味着另一方的损失,博弈各方的收益和损失相加总和永远为“零”。而事实上,交易市场里永远没有零和游戏,宏观来看,只有交易所是赢家。无论投资者输赢如何,交易所永远在赚取手续费。频繁交易的结果就是交易手续费累积,直到吞噬你的所有利润和本金。




Don't Trading Frequently

Charles T .Munger has said that if  he knows the place where he will go to die,he won't go to there forever.

In trading market,Frequent transaction is a serious mistake which most of investors make constantly,the more frequent,the  transaction is more close to "zero-sum game".

Zero-sum game means that a gain on one side will certainly cause a loss to the other in strict competetion,the sum of the gain and loss from game parties is zero forever.In fact,there is never a zero-sum game in the trading market.In macroscopic view,exchange is the only winner.it earns poundage regardless of how much gain or loss of the investors.Transaction poundage will be accumulated constantly more and more till it eat up all  investors' profits and principal.

There is another disadvantage about frequent transaction,the more frequently trading,the lower return to risk ratio.because it's almost impossible to creat a huge return suddenly.although prices plummeted occasionally,to catch this plummeting is very dangerous,like pulling the chestnut out of fire.

Have known the consequences of the frequent transaction,it's important to avoid this most serious mistake in order to get a huge profit from investment.

No matter in life or business,It's possible to be successful when you avoid those useless things and spend more time and energy in useful fields.


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