

作者: 颜克 | 来源:发表于2018-09-28 12:07 被阅读85次



    我有一个梦想,在一处僻静的森林里,或是依山傍水的村庄,建一所“天使幼稚园”,给那些特别的孩子,一个童年的天堂。 或许只是个村庄,有很多小房子,像小矮人一样,和家人一起劳作,种上蔬菜和水果,再养一群猫狗和鸡鸭,让孩子像野草一样疯长,他们是特别的,只是汲取大自然的力量。





                      Angel Kindergarten -- My Dream

    I have a dream, in a secluded forest or in a village where is situated at the foot of a hill and beside a stream, built a "Angel Kindergarten", to the special children, a childhood paradise. May be a village, there are many small houses, like dwarves, family number and worked together, plant the kinds of vegetables and fruits, and cultivate a group of cats and dogs and chickens and ducks, let the children like soaring as the grass of the field, they are special, just learn the nature of power.

    They are the children who are loved by God, such as specialty, ADHD, Asperger's syndrome, mental retardation, Karp Guerra paranoia, Alice roaming syndrome, male - gian syndrome, Angelman syndrome, Williams syndrome, savant syndrome, and so on, but they are sound and healthy, their appearance look like lots of kids. I know their specialties, their minds, normal people can not feel. There are two such kids in my kindergarten.. they always look up at the sky or ceiling, never write, all the books are drawn from the singular ethereal paintings, I don't know in the brain of a 5 year old child what to think, how to draw such a miracle. Another will never tell the learning content, not learn anything, singing and dancing and even what he said is enunciation unclear, but she is extremely good, care every students, concerned about the teacher, concerned about the weather, there is no dirt floor paying attention to, help children to tie his shoes, although she can’t tie for a long time, help the teacher to sweep the floor, wipe clean every piece of table, school backswing. Each of the chair, then I have to help her to pull a good bag zipper, holding her hand down the stairs to go home, so she will have brilliant smile. So I want to take them to my "Angel Kindergarten," and make them happy and grow there..

    They are not like the ordinary children, most of the kindergarten for them as prison. I think they need to grow more specifically. They may not the children who are not loved by teachers, because they even do not know the result of 1+1. They may be teased, children inadvertently mocked perhaps more to stimulate them and they have different kind of mind. Then the Angel Kindergarten, come on!  here, do not learn, in one of the small room, I created a little world for every child in particular which belong to his, just do what they like. They can not only be willing to write text, Mathematical Olympiad, who says he will not become a literary master? Even if nothing to be? Too many normal people can do too much normal things. If God only for them to open a window, simply selfish wayward back. They might not read, and all the expressions were the brush, and then draw.. In his eyes, everything is beautiful, the meaning of life, is the painting to draw. It was just painting, nothing with the fame and position. Perhaps he loved to sing or play the piano or played on the flute, you can hear the melody of life passes, it will feel his world, we may not be able to listen to, but you can watch, who knows he will not be a Richard Clayderman or Lang Lang. Maybe he can't do anything, it's just in our eyes.. He must have his world, we can not perceive. Sometimes, I even hope that I am a child with mental illness so that I can experience their beautiful inner world.

    I want to build an angel kindergarten, perhaps as the castle, the elves of the children, are the night of the angels. Every room in the castle, there are secrets, but in his world, creating his miracle. Tell me your child's specialty, I keep the secret for you, take him to the Angel Kindergarten, so he grew like an angel, this must be a dream and amazing experience. I would like to integrate them in their world and say to them: "YES!"




