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Lesson 34-2Adolescence
Disillusionmentwith the parents, however good and adequate they may be both as parents and asindividuals, is to some degree inevitable. Most children have such a high idealof their parents, unless the parents themselves have been unsatisfactory, that itcan hardly hope to stand up to a realistic evaluation. Parents would be greatlysurprised and deeply touched if they realized how much belief their childrenusually have in their character and infallibility, and how much this faithmeans to a child. If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction, andrealized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developingvaluable powers of observation and independent judgment, they would not be sohurt, and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting andresisting it.
ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒənmənt wɪð
ðə ˈpeərənts, haʊˈɛvə gʊd ænd ˈædɪkwɪt ðeɪ meɪ biː bəʊθ æz ˈpeərənts ænd æz ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəlz,
ɪz tuː sʌm dɪˈgriː ɪnˈɛvɪtəbl. məʊst ˈʧɪldrən hæv sʌʧ ə haɪ aɪˈdɪəl ɒv ðeə ˈpeərənts,
ənˈlɛs ðə ˈpeərənts ðəmˈsɛlvz hæv biːn ˌʌnˌsætɪsˈfæktəri, ðæt ɪt kæn ˈhɑːdli həʊp tuː stænd ʌp tuː ə rɪəˈlɪstɪk ɪˌvæljʊˈeɪʃən.ˈpeərənts wʊd biː ˈgreɪtli səˈpraɪzd ænd ˈdiːpli tʌʧt ɪf ðeɪ ˈrɪəlaɪzd haʊ mʌʧbɪˈliːf ðeə ˈʧɪldrən ˈjuːʒʊəli hæv ɪn ðeə ˈkærɪktər ænd ɪnˌfæləˈbɪlɪti, ænd haʊmʌʧ ðɪs feɪθ miːnz tuː ə ʧaɪld. ɪf ˈpeərənts wɜː prɪˈpeəd fɔː ðɪs ˌædəʊˈlɛsntri(ː)ˈækʃən, ænd ˈrɪəlaɪzd ðæt ɪt wɒz ə saɪn ðæt ðə ʧaɪld wɒz ˈgrəʊɪŋ ʌp ænd dɪˈvɛləpɪŋˈvæljʊəbl ˈpaʊəz ɒv ˌɒbzə(ː)ˈveɪʃən ænd ˌɪndɪˈpɛndənt ˈʤʌʤmənt, ðeɪ wʊd nɒt biːsəʊ hɜːt, ænd ˈðeəfɔː wʊd nɒt draɪv ðə ʧaɪld ˈɪntuː ˌɒpəˈzɪʃən baɪ rɪˈzɛntɪŋænd rɪˈzɪstɪŋ ɪt.
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