今天是 22 Sep., 2016,迎来了 ST 的又一次更新,上次更新已经是四个多月前的事情了。
Build 3124 更新日志
Release Date: 22 September 2016
See also the Blog Post
- Settings now open in a new window, with the default and user settings side-by-side
- Hovering over a symbol will show a popup indicating where it's defined. This is controlled with the show_definitions setting.
- Build errors are now shown inline at the location where they occurred. This is controlled with the show_errors_inline setting.
- Added a menu item and command palette entry to install Package Control
- Various syntax highlighting improvements
- Significant improvements to the Scala syntax definition, with thanks to djspiewakand gwenzek
- Significant improvements to the LaTeX syntax definition, with thanks to randy3k
- Improved Goto Definition performance when a large number of files are open
- Minor improvements to file load times
- Linux and OSX: Improved memory usage
- Fixed Replace not working as expected in conjunction with regex look behinds
- Fixed build systems being unable to use "file_patterns" with the exec command
- Corrected tab overlap on HiDPI Windows and Linux configurations
- OSX: Fixed a graphical glitch when switching tabs
- OSX: Fixed crash when entering a surrogate pair via hex input
- Linux: Improved rendering performance for some systems
- File encoding of open files is now stored in the session
- Build Systems may define a cancel command using the "cancel" key
- Syntax: Added clear_scopes directive, to give more control over the generated scopes
- Color Schemes: Added popupCss key, for defining default popup style sheets
- Color Schemes: Added phantomCss key, for defining default phantom style sheets
- minihtml: HiDPI support was added for Windows and Linux
- minihtml: Windows style line endings and single quoted attributes are now supported
- minihtml: Child selectors may now be used in style sheets
- minihtml: The inherit CSS value has been implemented
- minihtml: font-family stacks may now be used
- minihtml: Support for the line-height CSS property was added
- minihtml: Elements may now be relatively positioned
- minihtml: Inline elements support padding and background-color set
- minihtml: CSS variables and the var() function are now supported
- minihtml: Added the CSS color functions color() (partial), rgb(), rgba(), hsl()and hsla()
- minihtml: Fixed a stack overflow on Windows with too many unclosed tags
- API: Added Phantom and PhantomSet
- API: Added ViewEventListener
- API: Added View.is_primary()
- API: Added EventListener.on_hover(view, point, hover_zone)
- API: Added functions to get and set visibility of the minimap, status bar, tabs and menu
- API: Modifications to a selection are now constrained to the valid range
- API: Updated Python 3.3 to commit 8e3b9bf917a7, and SQLite to 3.14.1
- Packages: Loading packages will no longer abort if a .sublime-package is corrupt
- Packages: Fixed an edge case when loading third party packages from unicode paths on Windows