Auto import(自动导入)
- 对于 Windows,请依次转到“文件 (File)”>“设置 (Settings)”>“编辑器 (Editor)”>“常规 (General)”>“自动导入 (Auto Import)”
对于 Mac,请依次转到 Android Studio >“偏好设置 (Preferences)”>“编辑器 (Editor)”>“常规 (General)”>“自动导入 (Auto Import)”
Documentation of mouse over (鼠标停留自动显示文档)
Show line numbers (显示行号)
Control + O, Control + I (自动重载)
使用 启用serialVersionUID
I am not sure if you have an old version of IntelliJ but If I go File => Settings... => Inspections => Serialization issues => Serializable class without 'serialVersionUID' enabled, the class you provide give me warnings.
Sync project with Gradle files