

作者: 初生牛犊就怕虎 | 来源:发表于2017-04-17 20:42 被阅读0次


    闭目想想: 只手遮天如果用图画来表示,会是怎么样的呢?乌烟瘴气如果用图画出来,又会怎么样呢?想想就知道非常非常好玩。中华成语千千万,你知道但不一定能猜到!猜到不一定答得出来,不服就来猜猜看!用一幅画或几个字的组合来猜一个成语,巧妙的图与字的结合,让你苦思冥想后恍然大悟,开怀一笑!既可以愉悦心情,又可以训练思维,绝对是老少皆宜的文字游戏佳品!


    This is a full Chinese puzzle game, you can experience the charm of Chinese cultural idioms with friends, but also through the WeChat sharing, help and challenge your friends, to see who is only high-eight, rich five cars of the Chinese Culture is really a successor. Chinese culture, has a long history, idiom is the essence of Chinese civilization. You are exportable but not necessarily able to guess the game in the picture that idiom.

    Closer to think about: hand cover days if the picture to represent, what would it be? What happens if you use a picture of a faint image? Think about it is very, very fun. Chinese idioms tens of millions, you know but not necessarily guessed! Guess not necessarily come out, refused to come to guess! With a painting or a few words to guess a combination of idioms, clever figure and the word Of the combination, so that you think hard after suddenly realized, laugh! Can both happy mood, but also training thinking, is absolutely all ages of the word game to share!



