一周前推出摄影师保罗‧费里曼的系列摄影集《兄弟》,有小伙伴留言很喜欢,今天再推荐给各位一位摄影师——Victor Wagner。
曾经看过他的摄影系列《Bad Boy》,留下很深印象,模特是巴西的男模费尔南多,当时注意的地方比较肤浅,是他的纹身,即日在看,更多的则是系列主题。
If poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world, science-fiction writers are its court jesters. We are Wise Fools who can leap, caper, utter prophecies, and scratch ourselves in public. We can play with Big Ideas because the garish motley of our pulp origins makes us seem harmless.
And SF writeres have every opportunity to kick up our heels -- we have influence without responsibility. Very few feel obliged to take us seriously, yet our ideas permeate the culture, bubbling along invisibly, like background radiation.