- They knew it would be hard work, but they were determined to try.
- People were becoming more food conscious and worried about food safety.
- To their surprise it was soon being eaten by millions of people.
- There were very few frozen meals available at the time, and none of them were vegetarian and organic.
- People were willing to pay more for food that was free of harmful chemicals.
- Their product was an instant success.(立即的,瞬间,即食的)/ Other products followed in rapid succession(连续;继位;继承权).接连不断的
- The opposite of an optimist is a pessimist.
- An optimistic/pessimistic person believes in a positive/negative future.
- modest\conceited
- foo sb into sth
- Someone who is passive will usually not resist(抵抗,忍耐) the efforts of others.
- apprehensive
- indifferent
- They have remained a private company.(保持)
佩内洛普•克鲁兹 简直太美了!