1 Tabu Search 介绍
TS是Local Search(LS)的扩展,是一种全局逐步寻优的全局性邻域搜索算法。
2 Tabu Search 主要构成要素
(1)评价函数(Evaluation Function):评价函数是用来评价邻域中的邻居、判断其优劣的衡量指标。大多数情况下,评价函数为目标函数。但自定义的形式也可存在,算法也可使用多个评价函数,以提高解的分散性(区分度)。
(2)邻域移动(Move Operator):邻域移动是进行解转移的关键,又称“算子”,影响整个算法的搜索速度。邻域移动需要根据不同的问题特点来自定义,而整个邻近解空间是由当前解通过定义的移动操作构筑的所有邻域解构成的集合。
(3)禁忌表(Tabu Table, Tabu List):禁忌表记录被禁止的变化,以防出现搜索循环、陷入局部最优。对其的设计中最关键的因素是禁忌对象(禁忌表限定的对象)和禁忌步长(对象的禁忌在多少次迭代后失效)。
(4)邻居选择策略(Neighbor Selection Strategy):选择最佳邻域移动的规则。目前最广泛采用的是“最好解优先策略”及“第一个改进解优先策略”。前者需比较所有邻域,耗时较久,但解的收敛更有效;后者在发现第一个改进解就进行转移,耗时较少,但收敛效率弱于前者,对于邻域解空间较大的问题往往比较适合。
(5)破禁准则(Aspiration Criterion):破禁准则是对于禁忌表的适度放松。当某个被禁忌的移动可得到优于未被禁忌的移动得到的最优邻域解和历史所得到的最优解时,算法应接受该移动,不受禁忌表的限制。
(6)停止规则(Stop Criterion):禁忌搜索中停止规则的设计多种多样,如最大迭代数、算法运行时间、给定数目的迭代内不能改进解或组合策略等等。
3 Tabu Search 算法内容
3.1 Tabu Search 流程

4 Tabu Seach Coding
4.1 Coding
language: C++ 11
Author: Xing He
School: HuaZhong University of science and technology
compilier: g++.exe ACS.cpp -o ACS.exe -Ofast -std=c++11
using namespace std;
int type;// type == 1 全矩阵, type == 2 二维欧拉距离
// const
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
#define sqr(x) ((x)*(x))
#define eps 1e-8
#define percent 0.9
#define MAX_ITERATION 1000
string file_name;
int N;//城市数量
double **dis;//城市间距离
int **TabuList;// 禁忌表
double **Delta;//邻域变化评价函数值
bool *vis; // 标记是否被访问
int TabuLength;
struct vertex{
double x, y;// 城市坐标
int id;// 城市编号
int input(FILE *fp){
return fscanf(fp, "%d %lf %lf", &id, &x, &y);
struct Path{
int *path;//解结构
double L;//目标值
int n;//数据规模
void initlization(int x){
path = new int[x];
n = x;
L = INF;
double calc(){
double ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i ++)
ans += dis[path[i]][path[i + 1]];
L = ans + dis[path[n - 1]][path[0]];
return ans;
double get_edge(int i, int j){
if (i == n) i = 0;
if (j == n) j = 0;
if (i == -1) i = n - 1;
if (j == -1) j = n - 1;
return dis[path[i]][path[j]];
double swap_operator(int index_i, int index_j){
double delta = 0;
if(index_i == index_j - 1 || index_i == index_j + n - 1){
delta += get_edge(index_i, index_j + 1) + get_edge(index_i - 1,index_j);
delta -= get_edge(index_i - 1, index_i) + get_edge(index_j, index_j + 1);
else if(index_i == index_j + 1 || index_j == index_i + n -1){
delta += get_edge(index_j, index_i + 1) + get_edge(index_j - 1,index_i);
delta -= get_edge(index_j - 1, index_j) + get_edge(index_i,index_i + 1);
delta += get_edge(index_j, index_i - 1) + get_edge(index_j,index_i + 1);
delta += get_edge(index_i, index_j - 1) + get_edge(index_i,index_j + 1);
delta -= get_edge(index_i, index_i - 1) + get_edge(index_i,index_i + 1);
delta -= get_edge(index_j, index_j - 1) + get_edge(index_j,index_j + 1);
return delta;
void print(FILE *fp){
fprintf(fp, "Best_solution:%.0lf\n", L);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++)
fprintf(fp, "%d->", path[i] + 1);
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", path[0] + 1);
}solution, best;//当前解,最优解
bool operator <(const Path &a, const Path &b){
return a.L < b.L;
double EUC_2D(const vertex &a, const vertex &b){
return sqrt(sqr(a.x - b.x) + sqr(a.y - b.y));
void io(){//输入
printf("input file_name and data type\n");
cin >> file_name >> type;
FILE *fp = fopen(file_name.c_str(), "r");
fscanf(fp, "%d", &N);
node = new vertex[N + 5];
dis = new double*[N + 5];
double tmp = 0;
int cnt = 0;
if (type == 1){
for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++){
dis[i] = new double[N];
for (int j = 0; j < N; j ++){
fscanf(fp, "%lf", &dis[i][j]);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++){
dis[i] = new double[N];
for (int j = 0; j < N; j ++){
dis[i][j] = EUC_2D(node[i], node[j]);// 计算距离
int get_next(int x){
double MIN = INF;
int ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++){
if (dis[x][i] < MIN && !vis[i]){
MIN = dis[x][i];
ans = i;
return ans;
void construction_init_solution(){
int now = 0;
vis[now] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < N; i ++){
int s = get_next(now);
solution.path[i] = s;
now = s;
vis[now] = 1;
best = solution;
Delta = new double*[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++){
Delta[i] = new double[N];
for (int j = 0; j < N; j ++){
Delta[i][j] = solution.swap_operator(i, j);
void init(){
solution.path[0] = 0;
TabuList = new int*[N];
vis = new bool[N];
TabuLength = (int)(N * percent);//设置禁忌步长
for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++){
TabuList[i] = new int[N];
vis[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < N; j ++){
TabuList[i][j] = -TabuLength;
int r, s;
double neighbour(int round, Path sol){
double delta = 0, MIN = 0;
r = 0, s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++)
for (int j = 0; j < N; j ++){
if (TabuList[i][j] + TabuLength > round) continue;
if (Delta[i][j] < MIN){
MIN = Delta[i][j];
r = i;
s = j;
return MIN;
void update(int i){
if (i == -1) i = N - 1;
if (i == N) i = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < N; j ++){
if (i != j){
Delta[i][j] = solution.swap_operator(i, j);
Delta[j][i] = solution.swap_operator(j, i);
}// 更新Delta值
void Delta_update(){
int index_i = r, index_j = s;
if(index_i == index_j - 1 || index_i == index_j + N - 1){
update(index_i); update(index_j);
update(index_i - 1); update(index_j + 1);
}else if(index_i == index_j + 1 || index_j == index_i + N - 1){
update(index_i); update(index_j);
update(index_i + 1); update(index_j - 1);
update(index_i); update(index_j);
update(index_i + 1); update(index_j - 1);
update(index_i - 1); update(index_j + 1);
}// 更新有关的变化值,当r,s交换,只有与r,s相邻的城市在进行交换的时候会受到影响,避免重复计算
void TabuSearch(){
for (int round = 0; round < MAX_ITERATION; round ++){
double delta = neighbour(round, solution);
TabuList[r][s] = round;//更新禁忌表
if (delta <= 0){
swap(solution.path[r], solution.path[s]);
if (solution < best) best = solution;//更新最优解
printf("round:%d: best_so_far:%.0lf\n", round, best.L);
int main(){
srand((unsigned) time(0));//初始化随机种子
4.2 算例
- 满秩矩阵式 ( type = 1 )
File_name File_type
salesman.in 1
0 1 2 2 3
2 0 3 4 2
3 2 0 4 1
3 4 5 0 5
2 4 1 4 0
2.例二 二维坐标式 ( type = 2 )
File_name File_type
KroA100.tsp 2
1 1380 939
2 2848 96
3 3510 1671
4 457 334
5 3888 666
6 984 965
7 2721 1482
8 1286 525
9 2716 1432
10 738 1325
11 1251 1832
12 2728 1698
13 3815 169
14 3683 1533
15 1247 1945
16 123 862
17 1234 1946
18 252 1240
19 611 673
20 2576 1676
21 928 1700
22 53 857
23 1807 1711
24 274 1420
25 2574 946
26 178 24
27 2678 1825
28 1795 962
29 3384 1498
30 3520 1079
31 1256 61
32 1424 1728
33 3913 192
34 3085 1528
35 2573 1969
36 463 1670
37 3875 598
38 298 1513
39 3479 821
40 2542 236
41 3955 1743
42 1323 280
43 3447 1830
44 2936 337
45 1621 1830
46 3373 1646
47 1393 1368
48 3874 1318
49 938 955
50 3022 474
51 2482 1183
52 3854 923
53 376 825
54 2519 135
55 2945 1622
56 953 268
57 2628 1479
58 2097 981
59 890 1846
60 2139 1806
61 2421 1007
62 2290 1810
63 1115 1052
64 2588 302
65 327 265
66 241 341
67 1917 687
68 2991 792
69 2573 599
70 19 674
71 3911 1673
72 872 1559
73 2863 558
74 929 1766
75 839 620
76 3893 102
77 2178 1619
78 3822 899
79 378 1048
80 1178 100
81 2599 901
82 3416 143
83 2961 1605
84 611 1384
85 3113 885
86 2597 1830
87 2586 1286
88 161 906
89 1429 134
90 742 1025
91 1625 1651
92 1187 706
93 1787 1009
94 22 987
95 3640 43
96 3756 882
97 776 392
98 1724 1642
99 198 1810
100 3950 1558
best_known_solution: 21282