Notice: Use of undefined constant values - assumed 'values' inD:\wamp\www\yp\index.phpon line19
Notice: Use of undefined constant values - assumed 'values' inD:\wamp\www\yp\index.phpon line19
Notice: Use of undefined constant values - assumed 'values' inD:\wamp\www\yp\index.phpon line19
Notice: Use of undefined constant values - assumed 'values' inD:\wamp\www\yp\index.phpon line19
Notice: Use of undefined constant values - assumed 'values' inD:\wamp\www\yp\index.phpon line19
Notice: Use of undefined constant values - assumed 'values' inD:\wamp\www\yp\index.phpon line19
Notice: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' inD:\wamp\www\yp\index.phpon line32
Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' inD:\wamp\www\yp\index.phpon line32
Notice: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' inD:\wamp\www\yp\index.phpon line32
Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' inD:\wamp\www\yp\index.phpon line32
Notice: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' inD:\wamp\www\yp\index.phpon line40
解决方案自然是设置下error_reporting打开php.ini将error_reporting = E_ALL 后面加上 & ~E_NOTICE