Header (40 bytes)
- int32: == 3 - version of the format?
- int32: number of (valid) rows
- int32: maximum of row sizes and size of field description section
- int32: == 5 - unknown role. Constant among the files
- 4 bytes: varying values - unknown role. Seems to be 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 for FGDB 10 files, but not for earlier versions
- 4 bytes: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 - unknown role. Constant among the files
- int64: file size in bytes
- int64: offset in bytes at which the field description section begins (often 40 in FGDB 10). Note: datasets with 5 significant bytes (ie beyond 4GB) have been found per https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/6830.
Field 部分
int32: size of header in bytes (this field excluded)
int32: version of the file. 3 for FGDB 9.X files and 4 for FGDB 10.X files. No other known values.
uint32: layer flags, including geometry type:
bits 0 - 7: (i.e. flag & 0xff) geometry type:
0 = none
1 = point
2 = multipoint
3 = (multi)polyline
4 = (multi)polygon
5 = rectangle (envelope)
6 = "path"
7 = mixed/any geometry type
9 = multipatch
11 = ring
13 = line
14 = circular arc
15 = bezier curves
16 = elliptic curves
17 = geometry collection (any types)
18 = triangle strip
19 = triangle fan
20 = ray
21 = sphere
22 = TIN -
bit 8: string encoding. Set for UTF-8 encoded strings. If not set, UTF-16 strings are used (affects feature strings and field default values)
bit 9: (or bits 10 or 12) likely an indicator of whether the database uses "high precision storage" or not. Always 1 in all encountered files, and according to the ESRI docs, it hasn't been possible to make low precision gdbs since 9.2
bit 10: possibly storage type, see bit 9
bit 11: unknown
bit 12: possibly storage type, see bit 9
bit 30: geometry has M values
bit 31: geometry has Z values
int16: number of fields (including geometry field and implicit OBJECTID field)
- ubyte: number of UTF-16 characters (not bytes) of the name of the field
- utf16: name of the field
- ubyte: number of UTF-16 characters (not bytes) of the alias of the field. Might be 0
- utf16: alias of the field (ommitted if previous field is 0)
- ubyte: field type ( 0 = int16, 1 = int32, 2 = float32, 3 = float64, 4 = string, 5 = datetime, 6 = objectid, 7 = geometry, 8 = binary, 9=raster, 10/11 = UUID, 12 = XML )
field type = 4 (string),
- int32: maximum length of string
- ubyte: flag
- varuint: ldf = length of default value in byte if (flag&4) != 0 followed by ldf bytes with the default value numeric
field type = 6 (objectid),
- ubyte: unknown role = 4
- ubyte: unknown role = 2
field type = 7 (geometry),
ubyte: unknown role = 0
ubyte: flag = 6 or 7. If lsb is 1, the field can be null.
int16: length (in bytes) of the WKT string describing the SRS.
string: WKT string describing the SRS Or {B286C06B-0879-11D2-AACA-00C04FA33C20} for no SRS (which corresponds to the COM CLSID for the ESRI UnknownCoordinateSystem class http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcobjects/latest/net/webframe.htm#UnknownCoordinateSystem.htm.
ubyte: flags. Combination of values:
(1<<0) seems to be systematically set (only bit for system table a00000004.gdbtable )
(1<<1) indicates has_z = true
(1<<2) indicates has_m = true -
float64: xorigin 坐标原点x值
float64: yorigin 坐标原点y值
float64: xyscale 比例尺
float64: morigin (present only if has_m = True)
float64: mscale (present only if has_m = True)
float64: zorigin (present only if has_z = True)
float64: zscale (present only if has_z = True)
float64: xytolerance
float64: mtolerance (present only if has_m = True)
float64: ztolerance (present only if has_z = True)
float64: xmin of layer extent (might be NaN)
float64: ymin of layer extent (might be NaN)
float64: xmax of layer extent (might be NaN)
float64: ymax of layer extent (might be NaN)
If geometry has z values (bit 31 of layer geometry type flags):
- float64: zmin of layer extent (might be NaN)
- float64: zmax of layer extent (might be NaN)
If geometry has m values (bit 30 of layer geometry type flags):
- float64: mmin of layer extent (might be NaN)
- float64: mmax of layer extent (might be NaN)
Then, values relating to the spatial index for the field:
- a byte always at 0 (possibly an indicator of existence of spatial index or its type?)
- a uint32 whose value is 1, 2 or 3, indicating the number of spatial grid sizes (see e.g. http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/10.3/tools/data-management-toolbox/add-spatial-index.htm for more details about spatial grid sizes)
- for each grid size, float64: spatial index grid resolution at this level (referenced as grid_size[] in later section describing .spx files). ESRI software enforces grid_size[1] >= 3 * grid_size[0] and grid_size[2] >= 3 * grid_size[1]
field type = 8 (binary),
- ubyte: unknown role
- ubyte: flag
field type = 9 (raster),
- ubyte: unknown role
- ubyte: flag. If lsb is 1, the field can be null.
- ubyte: number of UTF-16 characters (not bytes) of the following string
- utf16: string whose value seems to be "Raster Column"
- int16: length (in bytes) of the WKT string describing the SRS.
- string: WKT string describing the SRS Or {B286C06B-0879-11D2-AACA-00C04FA33C20} for no SRS .
- ubyte: flags. Value is generally 1 (has_z = has_m = false, generally for system tablea00000004.gdbtable ), 5 (has_z = true, has_m = false) or 7 (has_z = has_m = true). If 0, none of the following float64 values is present : the next one is the ubyte of unknown role.
- float64: xorigin
- float64: yorigin
- float64: xyscale
- float64: morigin (present only if has_m = True)
- float64: mscale (present only if has_m = True)
- float64: zorigin (present only if has_z = True)
- float64: zscale (present only if has_z = True)
- float64: xytolerance
- float64: mtolerance (present only if has_m = True)
- float64: ztolerance (present only if has_z = True)
- ubyte: raster_type (0=if raster is stored externally, 1=if raster is managed within filegdb, 2=if raster is inlined)
field type = 10, 11 (UUID)
- ubyte: width : 38
- ubyte: flag
field type = 12
- ubyte: width : 0
- ubyte: flag
其它field types,
- ubyte: width in bytes (e.g. 2 for int16, 4 for int32, 4 for float32, 8 for float64, 8 for datetime)
- ubyte: flag
- ubyte: ldf = length of default value in byte if (flag&4) != 0 followed by ldf bytes
对于ESRI FGDB SDK API创建的FGDB layers,字段描述部分的结束和行部分的开始之间有4个字节:0xDE 0xAD 0xBE 0xEF
rows部分是一个X行的序列(其中X是. gdbtablex中发现的features的总数,可能与.gdbtable头文件中发现的有效行数不同)
int32: length in bytes of the row blob ( this field excluded)
ceil(number_nullable_fields / 8) * ubyte: 通过一个flags来标记哪些字段是空的,number_nullable_fields指可以为空的字段,这在arcgis里面能看到哪些字段可以为空,objectid不能为空所以不能参与这里的运算,shape字段可以为空所以要参与这里的运算,数出有多少个可以为空的字段后除以8然后向上取整,就知道应该保留多少个bytes来记录这些信息了。指具体内容如下。
Null fields flags
这个地方记录方法是使用n个bytes来存放字段为空的信息,n的计算方法ceil(number_nullable_fields / 8)
Each bit of the flags field encode for the presence or absence of the field content, for a nullable field, for the row. The flag is set to 1 if the field is missing/null (1 is used as well for spare bits), or 0 if the field is present/non-null. The flag for the first field, in the order of the fields of the field description section (typically the geometry), is the least significant bit of the first byte of the flags field.
There are no bits reserved for non-nullable fields.
If all fields are non-nullable, the flag field is absent.
Note: there's no explicit data for OBJECTID and no reserved flag bit for it.
For each non-null field, the field content is appended in the order of the fields of the field description section.