《小王子英文版》精读笔记Chapter 14-2

《小王子英文版》精读笔记Chapter 14-2

作者: 漫撩英语 | 来源:发表于2021-06-22 06:00 被阅读0次

    But he said to himself, nevertheless, “It may well be that this man is absurd. But he is not so absurd as the king, the conceited man, the businessman, and the tippler. For at least his work has some meaning. When he lights his street lamp, it is as if he brought one more star to life, or one flower. When he puts out his lamp, he sends the flower, or the star, to sleep. That is a beautiful occupation. And since it is beautiful, it is truly useful.”


    ◆nevertheless [ˌnevəðəˈles] adv.然而,不过

    ◆It may well be that... 表示“很可能...”,此处well为副词,用来加强情态动词may的语气,may well“很可能”“有充分理由”

    ◆absurd [əbˈsɜːd] adj.荒谬的;可笑的

    ◆as ... as和/像…一样(形容词/副词的同级比较),在否定句中结构是so/as...as...


    ◆conceited [kənˈsiːtɪd] adj.自负的;自高自大的

    ◆tippler [ˈtɪplə(r)] n.酒鬼

    ◆at least至少

    ◆meaning [ˈmiːnɪŋ] n.意义;含义

    ◆as if好像;似乎;仿佛

    ◆put out熄灭

    ◆beautiful [ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl]adj.美丽的;极好的;美妙的

    ◆occupation [ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn] n.职业;工作

    ◆truly [ˈtruːli] adv.真正地



          本文标题:《小王子英文版》精读笔记Chapter 14-2
